Chapter 2

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"Yes and you are..." The man tilts his head waiting for a response and I quickly shake my head to free myself from all the thoughts of Killian.

"I uh, my name's Emma. I was married to Killian Jones who I assume is your brother?" I walk nervously toward the man.

"Oh, you are princess Emma? It's so nice to finally meet you! My brother was always talking about you! Why are you going to Neverland?" His tone suddenly changes from ecstatic into seriousness.

"I know how much this journey meant to Killian and I want to finish it for him. Or did you already succeed?" I ask suddenly finding myself extremely stupid because it's been three years since he is gone and I don't even know how the rest of the trip went. The only things I've heard is that Killian was one of the few men who didn't survive the storm at sea.

"After Killian's death I honestly haven't been to Neverland anymore. This is actually my first time in three years, what a coincidence!"

"How did that journey go? Did you immediately return after the storm?"

Liam gestures with his hand toward the deck of his ship. "Why don't you really step aboard, then I'll tell everything as soon as we set sail. We'll be leaving soon."

Not long after Liam's orders I'm sipping some water at the round table on the ship.

"We were after this plant," Liam says as he holds a drawing of a strange looking plant up. "We still are, our mission isn't finished yet and were still trying to complete our mission. The King is still waiting for us to succeed. I suppose you're here for this plant as well?"

I feel my cheeks heating up. I am going on this trip to finish what he started, but truthfully I haven't found out what that is, yet. I hoped it was in his notebook and if not, I have a problem.

"I am," I say. "Well, I'm here to finish what he started with this journey and if he was going to search for a plant then that's what I'm after."

He nods while raising an eyebrow. "Did you actually prepare for this journey?" He asks and I nod in response.

"Of course," I say and he slowly continues nodding, clearly lost in his thoughts.


A few days passed by and I actually get used to the unsteady ground and sea air. I sometimes help with the men when they need it, but most times I read Killian's notebook to find out more about this trip. Turns out he kept this notebook as a journal for his trip, that's why it isn't even half full.

Despite never reaching the island, Killian clearly knew a lot about Neverland. Its dangers and its safe paths, people I have to look out for and people I can trust. This is all based on his knowledge from books, but I still suppose that it will help me.

"We're almost there!" One of the men aboard yells and I quickly get up from my chair. Through a small window I can see the mysterious island far away in the distance. It doesn't seem as bad as Killian described in his notebook, but I still shiver by the sight of the island.

A few hours later I set feet at shore. I look amazed at the jungle in front of me and truly I can't wait to start exploring.

"The King told me it's called Dreamshade," I suddenly hear Liam screaming and I turn around to see him holding up the same paper as he showed me.

"Dreamshade?" One of the men asks worried and Liam nods.

"Yes, he said-"

"But Dreamshade is extremely deadly! One scratch of it sharp thorns and you're dead! You didn't tell us we were after Dreamshade!" The man looks worried around, probably trying to see who's believing him.

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