Chapter 8

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I pretend to not notice the many confused glares, Regina and I receive. People do seem to recognize us, but probably can't quite put it together.

"Emma, they're staring," Regina informs in a hushed whisper as she cautiously looks around.

I shrug and just enjoy the warm sun on my skin. It must be half November now, but I don't know how long I've been gone. Anyways, it's warm for this time of year and the sun makes the cold breeze bearable.

Regina tries to subtly cover half of her face as everyone by the docks whispers. I pretend not to notice the whispers, but I can't help but overhear some conversations.

"Isn't that Princess Emma?"

"Who's accompanying her?"

"That looks like the Evil Queen."

"Why is she wearing such rubbish clothes?"

Everyone whispers and they even manage to make me stop walking and look at them. I walk towards two people who look slightly intimidated at me.

"Hi," I greet them politely.

"Hi," they reply in sync.

I smile brightly, hoping that I don't scare them. They were one of the few whispering louder, so I know what they're wondering about.

Regina's followed me and hides most of herself behind me.

"You probably don't know me, I'm Emma. The daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. I've just been on a journey for a few weeks, that's why I'm not in my usual clothes," I say and chuckle softly.

"I'm sorry to say that I overheard half of your conversation. Is there anything I can help you with?"

I've seen several times how quick news spreads in the Enchanted Forest. If people here claim they've seen me with the Evil Queen, the entire land will be a total chaos in no time.

"Your Majesty," the woman with long black hair says. "No, we don't have concerns. I'm sorry to bother you."

It's obvious that she's lying, but I don't want to push her. However, I do want to make sure that no one here, will make people get worried for nothing.

The redhead standing next to the brunette, clears her throat and smiles. "We were just wondering with whom you are spending this beautiful November day, Your Majesty," the redhead politely says as she gestured at the brunette. "She just seems slightly familiar."

Both women seem to be around thirty, thirty-five years old, so if they've ever met Regina, they couldn't be older than seven years.

I grab Regina's hand and look at the many people that have now surrounded us. They all have the same look of confusion in their faces.

Then, I look at Regina. She seems even more scared than before and I can't help but cup her cheek. Even though we're in public, I can't help but being affectionate towards her.

"This is Regina," I say softly and give Regina a comforting look. It's clear that she hates this moment. The moment that we're in front of our people and she has to prove that she's changed. I avert my eyes to the crowd. "This is such a sweet person," I say and smile.

"That's the Evil Queen!" An older looking guy yells alarmed. Everyone gasps, but as I'm their princess, they don't seem that afraid.

"You know, all I want is for my people to be safe," I start. I know I call them my people, even though I'm not a queen, but for now that's easier. "Regina was the Evil Queen."

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