Chapter 9

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My parents had dismissed us immediately after our talk and now Regina and I walk through the castle together. We walk slowly as she looks around, remembering every tiny detail from the castle.

Then I notice the walls with everyone's painting, except hers. The empty spot suddenly draws all my attention and I'm actually worried about her response.

I wait until she notices it too and she stops walking when we reach it.

"I'm sorry, my mom-"

"Don't apologize," she cuts me off and looks at the empty spot. "I hated that painting anyway and if I were her I would have burnt it when I still lived here," she says and she now turns to me. "Emma, I hope you understand that everything I see in the castle that has been changed or taken away because of me, is totally understandable."

I swallow and smile softly. Then I notice the stains on her face. "Maybe we should go clean ourselves up and dress into something more comfortable."

Regina nods agreed and chuckles. "We stink," she says as we continue walking to my bedroom.

My bedroom evidently has been cleaned while I was away. My bed is perfectly made and there's not one things that seems as though it's been left alone for a couple of weeks.

My maidens are in my bathroom which is next to my bedroom and is directly linked to it.

"We suspected you'd like a bath after your return, Your Majesty," they say and then they notice Regina.

All three of them obviously stiffen as they've heard the stories about her past as well.

"It's alright, she won't hurt you. Thanks for making the bath. I think Regina and I will take turns bathing," I say and they seem very uncomfortable with the idea of bathing Regina.

"Emma, it's making them really uncomfortable, so I'll bathe myself," Regina decides and smiles politely at the women.

"Sorry, Your Majesty," one of them called Lacey apologizes. "We'll bathe you, it's alright."

"No, it's fine. You don't have to."

"Why don't you go home," I suggest. "We'll take care of ourselves. But thank you, for drawing the bath," I say and smile as they leave the bathroom after they curtly bowed.

"We've cleaned ourselves before, we can do it again," I say as I start dressing out of my clothes. Regina stays exactly where she is. "Aren't you going in the bath."

"You want to bathe together?"

"We've done it before."

"Yes, but the sea is slightly bigger and less sexual than this warm bath," she protests and I see that she's looking me directly in the eye, to prevent herself to look at the rest of my body.

I slowly move forward and kiss her lips. "We don't have to if you want to, but I just want to take a bath to clean myself, not to do something even remotely related to sex," I say and untie with my fingers the small thread that's keeping her corset together as kiss her again.

"Alright, then," Regina says and quickly dresses herself out of the rest of her clothes.

I slowly dip my toes in the warm water and sigh contently as I step in the bath. The sweet lavender smell is absolutely amazing.

Regina follows my example and sets her foot in the bath. "I haven't had a warm bath in twenty eight years," she says and her other foot steps inside the bath as well.

As the royal family always has been wealthy, they invested their money mainly in the castle. This had mostly been done by my mother's parents and their parents as my parents mostly want to make sure the kingdom is happy, but we still have huge bathtubs everywhere in the castle.

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