Chapter 4

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Regina and I walk back in our white so-called dresses. We're still completely wet, since Regina doesn't own any towels. Our clothes were almost dry, though.

Our fight had continued and I have to admit that I haven't had that much fun in a long time. In the castle at home, I don't have that many friends. Lily is one of the few with whom I share a lot.

Most days in the castle I actually just wander around, alone. My parents work quite a lot and I help them, at times, but I know the feeling of being lonely all too well. And it's not that I don't enjoy living in the palace. I mean, I have my parents who I love so much. And I have my maids with whom I can share anything.

But the feeling of loneliness became a real thing after Killian's passing. Killian had been a great friend of mine, even before we were in a relationship. He'd always told me everything and I always shared everything with him.

The day people came at the door and told me Killian had passed away in the storm is the saddest day of my life. I cried for days, non stop. Staring at the painting of us together, replaying memories in my head of us together.

"Emma?" Regina interrupts my thoughts. "Are you alright?"

I quickly turn my head towards her and fake a smile. "Yes, why?" I ask.

"You look sad," she says.

"Oh, I'm not. I'm just thinking," I reply as we arrive by her house. When I see Regina's wet hair again, I remember the fun we just had. Splashing each other, swimming and more splashing.

Regina opens the door, but I can't take my eyes off of her. I don't move and see the confusion on Regina's face. "Something wrong?" She asks and I shake my head.

The moment Regina shrugs and walks into her house automatically makes me smile and causes my stomach to tingle. But I don't understand why.

I walk inside and close the door behind me. Apparently, Regina has managed to find some vegetables somewhere, because she was slicing a carrot with a knife she'd clearly made herself.

Despite the fact that I was completely drenched and you could totally see through my dress, I sat down on the bed. I watch her every move, before I offer to help her.

"You keep staring at me, is something wrong?" Regina asks as she hands me an onion.

"How did you get this?" I ask, completely ignoring her question, but hoping that she will see this as if it's the reason I kept staring at her.

"I didn't tell you this, because I don't know if Pan knows and if he doesn't, I probably should try to hide it as good as possible, but I've planted some vegetables nearby. Now, I trust you enough to show you," she says continues cutting the carrot.

For some reason a blush creeps up my cheeks and I can't stop smiling. Knowing Regina trusts me, really means a lot to me.

"Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me," I say and follow her example of cutting the vegetables.

Eventually, we made soup of the vegetables and it was better than any soup I've ever had. I'm not exaggerating. After three days of eating nothing but berries and other fruits, eating some vegetables is amazing.

Now, I'm lying in Regina's self-made bed and even though it is quite comfortable, I still can't fall asleep. And something says me that that is because of the brunette sleeping so peacefully next to me.

Her flawless face is turned towards me and the moonlight shines exactly in her face. Her skin looks so soft that I actually have to stop myself from touching it.

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