Chapter 5

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"I don't want to play games," I say angrily, but Peter just keeps smiling.

"And that's what makes all of this so much more fun."

"Where. Is. She?" I ask once more.

"You've got a map, just look for her yourself."

Until my journey to Neverland I've never hated anyone. All the people around me in the castle are so sweet. They all care about other people and want to help others as much as they can. I didn't have a reason to hate anyone.

But now, here in Neverland, my blood boils with pure hatred. I don't think I could ever despise someone as much as this little man in front of me. He's playing mind games, he is mentally torturing me and I absolutely hate it.

"Then why are you here?" I snap frustrated. Out of the corner of my I, I see Liam looking frightened at the whole scenario playing in front of him.

"Because I love seeing you so frustrated about this, Emma," he says and smirks.

Right when I want to slap him in the face, he disappears.

"Damn it," I curse and run my hand frustrated through my hair.

"Who's the girl you were tal-"

"Not now, Liam, I have to go," I say and quickly grasp the map from his hands.

Luckily, when he was still alive, Killian had taught me some things about reading a map, and this one doesn't seem that hard to read.

I whisper a quick sorry at Liam before I run away in the bushes. I can't believe I just ditched him, he hasn't done anything wrong, but suddenly his company gave me even more stress,

To my surprise, the map isn't that hard to read. I really feel like I'm going in the right direction. If I'm correct, Regina can't be too far away.

"Follow the path," I mumble out loud. I'm getting slightly thirsty again, but I really think I'm just going to collapse within a few seconds, because the amount of hunger I have.

The lack of sleep from last night makes me feel even more hungry and I really need to eat something.

Suddenly, it's as though all my prayers have been heard. I glance upon a green bush filled with berries. Right now, I don't even care whether it's poisonous or not. I have to eat something and if that leads to me getting cursed, so be it.

These past few days, I've already lost quite some weight. It's not that I'm too thin, but I notice my mother's clothes becoming looser. I eat as many berries as my stomach can possibly handle and continue my journey through the extremely hot woods.

I'm filled with new energy as I walk. Now I feel like it isn't that far anymore, and if I'm reading the map correctly, I'm almost there.

I start humming an old lullaby, to prevent myself from going crazy from the silence. Apart from all the exotic animal sounds and branches breaking, it was completely quiet. No sounds of humans around me. That was both scaring and relaxing.

When I reach a few big leaves, I stop walking. If I am right, Pan's camp is right behind these leaves. I haven't thought about how I am going to free Regina. I haven't even thought of what I am going to do when I see her, but I can't wait any second longer.

I push the big, green leaves aside and look confused around. This place is just like the one Liam and I had reached before. It is an open field, but now with an evident trail.

Someone has made a fire here once and the remains lie still on the ground. I look once more around, before I glance at the map. Now, I see that the destination has changed. Peter has somehow moved his camp.

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