Chapter 10

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"Try again," Regina instructs as she stands behind me, holding my hand up. "It'll work."

I don't want to tell her that she whispering in my ear only makes my concentration and focus worse, because her warmth is way too comfortable.

"I don't know. Today's just not a good day. I can't seem to find my concentration," I say and hum softly as I feel Regina's breath tingling my skin.

"Emma, I'm even more stressed than you are, but that's no excuse for not being able to find your concentration."

I have to admit that Regina telling me what to do, turns me on even more and I quickly peck her lips.

"How come you don't seem stressed?" I ask, hoping to draw Regina's attention to something else, so that I don't have to practice magic anymore today.

My parents have announced to the entire kingdom that Regina will be holding a speech when the sun is at its highest and that's in a few hours.

Everyone wanting to come, will be at the biggest market of the kingdom listening to what Regina has got to say.

"Because I don't let stress affect me. Now, I see what you're doing and if you don't want to practice magic anymore today, I suppose we could find something else to do to fill the time."

Regina has been teaching me magic for a few days now and some days it's going well and other days I keep screwing it up.

And today is one of the days that I keep screwing things up.

"It's just not going well today," I say and frown as I try to just light up my hands.

Regina grabs my hand and follows the lines in my hand with her fingertips. "You need to become one with your entire body. You need to feel the magic, the excitement of being able to use it. You need to trust yourself and find yourself."

"It doesn't work," I grumble as I close my eyes as tightly as possible.

"Don't stress. Why are you even stressing about that speech. Nothing will happen to you."

I open my eyes and look at the brunette. She's absolutely stunning in the sunlight. Somehow, when I look back at Neverland, it always feels as though it was so dark, even though I got sunburned almost every day.

Even though the sun is shining, it's still cold and both Regina and I are dressed in many layers.

For a day in November, it isn't that cold, but it still isn't warm.

But now, everything feels so natural and free. As though everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be.

"I'm not stressing about me, but about you."

Regina sighs and steps closer to me. "Emma, whatever happens today is what I deserve. People have already created an opinion about all this," she gestures at the space between us, "if people still want me executed, then that's alright. I'm going to tell them the truth and it's up to them what to do with it."

She keeps quiet for a moment, before she captures my lips in the softest kiss. "But whatever happens, just know that I.." I don't think I've ever seen her this sweet and vulnerable. "I love you, Emma Swan. And you'll have a place in my heart, no matter what happens."

"I'll protect you, 'Gina," I say and cup her cheeks. "Because I love you too."

Our lips find each other again and mold perfectly together. It's the most passionate kiss I've ever shared with anyone, even with Hook.

"Expect the worst, Emma, because I was the worst and I deserve to be punished."

I slide my index finger over her collarbone and move closer to her, our lips almost touching again. "If anyone gets to punish you, it'll be me," I tease and smirk.

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