Epilogue ˢᵐᵘᵗ

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Excitement washes over me as I slowly walk forward. That I would ever have a day like this again, is something I never could have foreseen.

Regina looks absolutely stunning. That it's already one and a half year ago that I met her, seems ridiculous, because I remember it as though it was yesterday.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see my mother smiling at me. She's walking next to me and on my other side is my father, both of them walking me down the aisle.

Regina and I have chosen the same place as where my parents got married. Despite my parents having one bad memory from it, it's still a beautiful place.

My heart flutters when I see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life, smiling at me.

Many people have come to see us get married. Not everyone approves of our relationship and they make that abundantly clear with all the threatening letters they've sent us, but most of the people accept our love and are excited to see their old queen get married.

A lovesick grin appears on my face when I finally arrive by Regina and my parents go to the crowd as I make my way in front of Regina.

I can't stop staring at those beautiful brown orbs that are filled with love as the reverend asks Regina to proceed her vow.

"Emma, you are by far the most caring, loving and special person I know with the purest heart. There aren't enough words in the realm to express how much I love you. You have such a beautiful soul and you saved me many times. I can't believe how lucky I am to fall in love with you, because you are everything, Emma. You are my world and I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives," Regina vows and a tear rolls down her cheek.

I swallow, fighting every urge inside of me not to cry as she puts the most beautiful ring on my finger.

"Regina, when I first met you, I had no idea how much joy you would bring into my life. You are the piece that had been missing in my life for so many years. I can't imagine another person with whom I'd rather spend the rest of my life, because I love you so much."

I quickly wipe away the tears rolling down my cheeks and smile at the brunette, before I put a ring on her finger.

"Do you, Regina, promise to take this woman to be your wife and to love her for all eternity?"

"I do."

"And do you, Emma, promise to take this woman to be your wife and to love her for all eternity?"

"I do."

"Then I now pronounce you, wife and wife," the reverend speaks and the crowd begins to applaud.

We both move forward to kiss each other. Regina's hands cup my cheek and I wrap my arms loosely around her waist.

"I love you," I whisper. "I love you more than anything."

Regina smiles as our foreheads touch. Tears keep rolling over our cheeks as she smile at each other.

"I love you too, Emma," she speaks softly and we kiss yet again.

I taste the salt of her tears on her plump lips and sigh contently. I love this woman so much.


"Congratulations, it was a beautiful wedding," Lily says as she pulls me in an embrace.

Loud music plays as all the guests are dancing. My parents said it is a tradition to have a ball after you're married and even though they didn't get to do it, "You have to", they said.

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