Chapter 7

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Regina has healed perfectly over the past few days. Her bruises are still there, but she says they don't hurt anymore.

I've gone out to get some food and water for us, but that's all. I tried avoiding Peter as much as possible, but I know he's watching us from somewhere.

To my surprise, the Jolly Roger hasn't left yet. It's still in the same spot it was when we arrived.

"Emma, it's time for you to go," Regina says when I'm walking inside carrying a bucket of water.

"What?" I ask surprised and confused.

I didn't see that coming. Regina stands up from the bed and walks towards me as I set down the bucket.

She looks me in the eyes and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I can see you're ready," she says and she has a serious look on her face.

"I'm ready when you're ready," I reply and smile.

"Emma, I can see that you want to go home," she says.

"That's not true," I respond. But sadly, Regina's right. I don't want to go home without her, because I can't imagine a life without her, but I can't stay either.

There's this nagging feeling I can't quite place, but I know that going home will make it go away. Maybe I'm homesick.

Regina swallows but a smile appears on her face and I now know Regina good enough to see that it's a fake smile.

"You don't belong here."

"Neither do you."

The brunette shrugs. "Maybe now I do. I've lived here for so long."

"You actually consider staying here with Pan? After everything he's done to you?"

Regina told me exactly what had happened when he'd poofed her away. She'd been abused, mentally and physically. She hadn't gotten any food, just once some water.

A buzzing sound surrounds us and I immediately step back. I don't want this to happen. I don't want to see him anymore.

"She's got nothing to fear," Peter says with his thick accent. "Once she's dead, nothing will matter anymore."

He looks at me with disgust. "So you did manage to stay friends with her. Impressive."

I can't see the look on Regina's face, but I know exactly what it is. She's trying to hide her fear, by putting on a mask that is emotionless.

Pan walks to Regina. "Unfortunately, your friend won't be able to save you this time," he says and smirks. He wraps his fingers tightly around her throat and squeezes as he pushes her outside.

Regina gasps for air and I try my best to pull Pan away from her. Her entire face turns red from the lack of oxygen.

"Take me instead," I yell and to my surprise Pan loosens his grip.

He turns to me as I run to Regina to prevent her from falling on the ground. "Are you okay?" I whisper and she curtly nods, while she inhales deeply to fill her lungs with oxygen.

"You're even worse than her," Peter says contemptuous and walks closer to me.

I step in front of Regina, to make sure he won't hurt her again. "Then what's the harm in leaving her alone. Hurt me as much as you want, but don't hurt her."

"I love to mentally torture you, because I know I can't hurt you more than let someone suffer because of you."

I swallow. He is right, that is the worst way to hurt me. Seeing Regina in pain is absolutely horrible and I don't want it again.

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