Chapter 3

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"Emma, Emma!" I quickly open my eyes and stare immediately at Regina who's hanging above my head.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask half asleep and I close my eyes again.

"Wake up, Emma!"

I slowly open one eye. "Why?" I ask softly.

"Dammit, Emma, wake up! I swear to God, if you don't wake up now I'll-"

"I'm up, I'm up!" I quickly say. I don't even want to hear Regina's threat. "What's wrong?" I ask and as my heart immediately starts to pound faster as I see Regina's worried look.

"Pan, he's coming."

Pan, I've heard that name before. "Who?" I ask as I get out of bed.

"Peter Pan, he's this land's most cruel villain. You want to avoid every form of contact as good as possible with him," Regina speaks and grabs a bag. "I sense he's coming to visit me, so we have to hide you somewhere. There's not a big chance we'll succeed, but we have to try."

I get up and step in my boots which I set down next to the bed the previous night. I grab my bag and look at Regina.

"Where are we going?" I ask and my heart pounds loudly of both fear and slight excitement.

"I don't know yet. But here is the first place he'll look, so we have to get away."

"Why are you helping me?" I ask as we exit her little house.

"Because Peter knows you've been here. He knows everything about this island, so when he catches you, I'm screwed just as much," Regina says and she walks fastly.

I barely manage to walk the same pace as her, especially since, even though it's quite early in the morning, the weather is very hot. I feel drops of sweat rolling down my back already.

"So, why does Peter "want" me?" I ask.

"Peter doesn't like visitors. He owns this island, sort of. And especially since you're royalty he won't like you," Regina says.

"And he does like you?" I ask and breathe heavily. I see that Regina starts to sweat as well.

"No, but we made an agreement. As long as I don't bother him, he won't bother me," she says.

"But he'll see this as bothering him?" I ask.

"Yes, most definitely. I've seen him lock several newcomers in these small cages and then he'll either bring you to the Echo Caves, meaning that someone has to tell their deepest secret to rescue you, or he hangs the cage in a tree, by his camp, which makes it impossible for anyone to save you."

Regina suddenly stops walking and looks around. I, too, look around, but I don't see anything. Suddenly, she grabs my hand and pulls me in the bushes with her. She signs that I shouldn't say anything and looks up.

Now, I can hear a loud tingling coming from the sky. "Regina, no matter how hard you try, I know where to find you," a young boy says as he lands on the earth. A green smoke fades away and he smirks. "You can show yourself now, Regina, I know you're there."

The brunette looks at me and gestures that I should stay exactly where I am.

"Why were you hiding?" The boy asks and looks inspecting at Regina.

"Our agreement says not to bother each other, so I figured that when I'm in the bushes, I won't bother you," Regina says and I can see her faking a smile.

Peter hums something and smiles brightly. "Where's the girl?"

"What girl?"

"That blonde woman you had with you. The one with the ponytail," he says and looks around.

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