part 4 wrong time wrong place and wrond view

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Bunny decided to give boomer and brick rest and she tried to find boy with black hair, green eyes and would be 22.

It wasn't hard for her. Because persons who has green eyes are few. Like kaoru but her eyes are lime green. After of few days research she found right one.. or the one who was matching everything those.

Momoko decided to do a little operation. For example brick was looking like beggar and her and miyako were sisters who had just fun.

Butch furia. He was one of the barmens in city club. And best one. He has clear past. Or maybe fake passport. Anyways he was single. His girlfriends was for him only one night.. then they were past. He was living near club.

Brick was waiting outside so he could follow butch. But momoko and miyako went inside to check how he was.

They were wearing short dresses. Butch was busy but soon they were all alone because sun was rising and it was night club. Miyako ordered martini while momoko black kiss. He made them so fast.. like he was hurry. Momoko looked him.. he was strong.. fast and hot.. his left hand was clear and right was more unclear then left. He wasn't left handed but his eyes was the once who make you made mistake.

Miyako was looking him too. His walk.. every step.. You could feel his serious tone.. calm pale face.. like he wasn't knew what was scare or pain. His body could take much tutor then others..

They were thinking how it would take to win against him but he was to strong for everyone.. but maybe kaoru could do something...

"Miss bar is going to close. You shall leave" he said while looking girls with murderous glare.

Girls nodded. They couldn't collect more information. They do their job. Which was to make him late at meetings with unknown person because he loooed hurry and now he is totally late so he won't have time to be careful and beico can do his job perfect.

Girls walked oit while acting like they were drunk. Butch closed door fast and run away like there were no tomorrow. Girls saw that beggar followed him too. They signed. Miyako asked

"Officer why you didn't send kaoru here? If he needs enemy who can beat him. It's kaoru."

"First at outside call me momoko. We are friends and second because I know I will need kaoru at something else."

Miyako nodded and they went towards their houses. Miyako went to took shower but momoko just set and waiting call from brick.

Miyako was tacking shower when someone opened her door. Not bathroom's door. and went inside flat. His footsteps were soft amd carefully. But Miyako already finished shower and went out while towel around her body. Her hair was wet and water was falling at floor. She went at living room and shout immediately



Shout boomer while covering his eyes. Miyako was red but went at her room and changed as fast as ut was possible. It was already third time at this week. Boomer was coming in her house. And it was first time he broke inside.

She went out and said

"Boomer you can open your eyes."

"Sorry miyako"

"Why you were here? "

"I called you. You were to see criminal but you didn't answered and I became worry then I heared phone soind inside when I was calling and then broke inside and tried to find you but then you came out and that was it"

Said Boomer while became red. Miyako signed. Her and boomer was best friends since they first met. She answered

"Boomer thanks for taking care of me but there's no need. Please do not do it again"

"Okay miyako but make sure you'll call me "

"Pinky promise"

"Pinky promise"

And boomer leaved. Miyako looked at her phone

"You have 56 missed call from boomer"

miyako signed again. Boomer was over protective about her sometimes. Not because he loved her. Because he had bad past and had no friends until miyako met him. Then his friends circle became bigger. He met momoko kaoru brick bunny and other policemen.

Miyako just tunr on TV. It was animal show. And she start cooking while watching it same time


Momoko was getting nervous. While brick didn't called. She wanted to call but was scared that she would make him in dangerous situation. So she waited.

"Momoko calm down. He is the best you know. He can survive" and with that she walked out and went inside kitchen and took out strawberry cake her favourite.

But she couldn't even eat it because someone knocked on the door. Momoko rushed amd opened door and saw no more or less brick jojo covered in mud.

She signed and smiled. He was okay. She wanted to hug but stopped herself on time. She was officer and must staied officer.

Brick went inside and without sitting down said

"Listen I followed him. But he was still careful. After few minutes of running he bought magazine and set on a bench next to young ugly girl. They said hello. But they didn't said anything else. But I maneged to hid under the bench amd I heared girl wispered

"Ceriville is beautiful city right. Far away and safe. Maybe some one wants to meet you

But butch didn't said anything just set there few minutes and then leaved. Looks like lefter run away and is at Ceriville. And then butch went at train station and bought ticket towards megaville. Looks like he will bought another ticket there. And then more. And then I lost him because I saw he looked around and I rather stop then killed by him."

Momoko signed. It was good.

"Now go inside shower I have some men clothes. When I need to act like men or be men. So wear it"

Brick nodded amd went inside shower while momoko decided to make spaghetti inside meet balls.

she was while singing

"Hey I just met you but you made me crazy. So here's my number so call me maybe.."

She even hadn't finished song when brick came out shirtless.

"Brick why you are not wearing shirt"

"It was small for me. And besides it's hot here. I will be like this if you don't have problem"

Momoko nodded. Spaghetti was ready and they set and eat it but that wasn't all momoko also took out another cake. It was chocolate cake inside strawberries.

They were eating but then boomer knocked and momoko opened

"Momoko you know where's miyako? She didn't answered me"

"In her house"

Said momoko while brick came out and boomer saw him. Momoko tried to explain

"Boomer it's not what you think"

But he already run away. Brick asked

"Is that problem?"

"If he says somewhere I'll kill him"

Brick nodded while set ther and watched TV. Why boomer have to be appear at wrong time, wrong place and in front of him with wrong view

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