part 6 train roommates

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Kaoru signed.. she was searching bed 25. It was at the edge of train everyone hated train's last carriage because mostly it was far from train station so there were only one person next to her. Which had forest green eyes. he was lying on bad 24. Next to kaoru

"Boomer or blossom if I return I'll beat the crap out of you" thought kaoru and put her suitcase on the floor and set to sleep.

Boomer was at second carriage at bed 1. This journey needed only two week because ceriville was very far away. Boy was sleeping. He looked so pale. Kaoru was watching him.. he was kinda hot and cute... kaoru just watched him.

He was wearing blue jeans with green shirt and one suitcase. He looked like strong person but was skinny too. Kaoru looked around.

"There is no one so if this psycho decides to kill me no one will notice. Ughh he doesn't look so evil and is kinda hot. Ughh don't let that poion named love poion you"

Kaoru turned around and decided to sleep but couldn't. She was too hungry to sleep so she opened her other bag and took out burgers. She had seven burger and one whole bottle of vodka. She start eating burger.

Butch p.o.v.

I went at train and tried to sleep immediately. I hope no one will be next to me. But then I heard footsteps. From sounds it looked so soft and looks like it would be girl. I opened my eyes to look her and she really has great body. She looked me and I acted like I was sleeping. She would be on diet and boy crazy. I am tired of girls like this. They want me but I used them only one night. I just tried to sleep tben heared eating noices opened my eyes and saw she was eating mega sized burger. Mt eyes widened. I already like this girl. She looked me and I saw her lime green eyes.. I never saw something like this.. she said

"Wanna burger?"

"Why not" I said and she give me one and I bit it.. it was so delicious

"Wow this tastes so good"

"I know. I made it"

"My name is butch.. butch forest"

I lied. My name was butch but I never knew my last name I knew that i was butch and I was changing my last names always.

"I am kaoru.. kaoru limens"

"Last name suits you."

"Like you. You have forest green eyes"

"Yeah.. I never seen someone who has lime green eyes"

"Can you tell me time?"

"It's 18:00"

"Holy crap. Can I turn TV on if you don't have problem? If you have I'll turn on again so better not"

And she turn on TV. Probably to watch drama or love film but she start watching football

"You love sports?"


"Who's against who"

"Barcelona against Liverpool"

"Wanna bet?"

"Sure. I bet on Barcelona"

"But I wanted to bet on that"

"Let's watch. Oh wanna chips?"


And we watched football.. no I didn't she watched it. I was watching her whole time. After it finished she got up and decided to sleep

"Yo kaoru. Where are you going?"

"To ceriville for now.. and then where I want."

"So you are traveller"

"Yeah.. maybe.."

"It will be good to be with you whole time"

"I don't know yet. I mean we aren't friends"

"Yeah. I hope we will"

"Good night jerk"

And she slept. I think she is hot and beautiful. I with I could love her.. but I am killer.. bad person.. and she is innocent. I don't want to break her. I hope.. i wish I could leave everything behind me.

Anyways train stopped for half hour. She looked around.. looks like she waked up.

"Why we stopped?"

"For rest calm down"

"I think it's hard while I am next to you" she murmured..

No one p.o.v.
Kaoru was in serious situation

"What DID I SAY. he looked me and got up" she thought

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I told him now.. ughhh" thought again kaoru and said

"I mean.. you're kinda jerk and how I know you won't steal my burgers? You like them"

Butch blinked and then start laughing.

"Haha.. you're so funny"


"Are you single"

"Sorry but I am in relationship with food"

And butch laughed more. The kaoru's phone called. Butch looked down and saw name "samanta"

"Who's samanta"

"Annoying mom"

And kaoru answered

(now I'll write conversation in phone but remember butch only hear what kaoru says")

"Hello mother. What you want?"

"Okay kaoru if he is awake call me samanta but if he is asleep call me samanta again" told boomer

"Don't worry mom everything is fine"

"Hey he talked to you"

"Yes mom I eat chips and no I am not going to stop that. And how's your and father's time? Did you have sex?"

"Kaoru stop it"

"I am going to have a little bro? So cute"

"Did he told you anything"

"Mom nope I am not going to tell you so shut the fuck up"

"Why you little mothe.."

"You can't say that your my mother and bye wear red pants for now"

And kaoru hunged up and tokd butch

"I really love annoy her."

"Yeah I know it from your conversation. So you are going to have bro?"

"Actually my father and mother are not together. Long time. I just joke about it"

"Who's your father?"

"Believe me I don't know that too. He died"


"No need... everyone has sad thing in life... you have one?"

"Yeah.. I have a lot"

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