part 8 eyes that glowes in night

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"Hey.. wake up..."

"Five more minutes.."

"Yo... we have problem" hissed butch and kaoru jumped from her bad while trying to puch away sleep with butch

"What happened?"

"Electric is gone so we are stopped"

"And what's problem?"

"Those days are hard for me. They're associated with bad memories and you see.."

"Okay no need to say more.. wait where's my bag.. here it is.. where I put it.. oh found it"

"What are you searching?"

"You'll see. Have a match or something which can made fire"

"I have match. Here"

And kaoru took it amd soon candle was lighting their part of train

"Better?" Asked kaoru and butch nodded. She took her pillow and tried to set comfortable and hugged pillow.

She managed to look him into eyes

"Your eyes.. they are.."

"I know.. they are kinda of glowing right"

"Yes.. just like mine when I am mad"

"Where it come from"

"I don't know. But I heared about fairytale"

"Tell me"

"But it's childish"

"We have nothing to do anyways"

"You're right... once upon a time there were meteors.. which was glowing into different colours but one meteor had two colour so others pushed it away.. and after a while meteor found itself as lonely.

It was different and it decided to let go one of colors but couldn't choose one into lime and forest green.. then it asked sun

"I don't know which one to go. Help me please"

"Why you look beautiful" answered sun

"But others don't thinks so"

"This is is the way who you are"

"But I.. I don't want to be alone"

"I could be with you"

"You can't move and besides you are not same kind as me.. you are star not meteor."

"Okay.. I'll help you but believe me I rather be hated for who I am then loved for who I am not"


" I'll remove one colour"

And sun took lime green colour and give as gift it to earth but soon meteor felt empty... yes others accepted meteor but it was missing lime green color. Amd besides dark green color was pulling meteor towards lime green.. meteor knew they were one whole and green lost his soulmate.. and ow forest green was feeling lonely and worse.. meteor went to sun and said

"Oh big sun please return color to me"

"Sorry but it's impossible"

"But then let my colour go and I'll stay with you as planet"


And then meteor became nearest planet to sun and lime green colour and forest green choosed one girl and one boy.. with hope that they will be together... but there were centuriesbefore they met.. before their holders fell in love.. and they were still hoping to get back again.. have yoy ever wondered why grass was green and leaves forest green? Because forest green stayed more time in space and lime green fall first.. but then all leave will fall down to find grass but in that time grass is already gone.. and hoping that one day they became one.."

"You're right.."

And both said

"This is sooo childish"

"Can you show me your eyes"

"I need to feel bad first.. okay.."


"I'm ready"

And she was like picture above.

"Wow.. you're beautiful"

"Thanks.. I guess"

"Why you're crying?"

"Just bad feeling and now shut the fuck up. I need sleep"

"But I am scared"

Kaoru turned to him and said

"Your flirty tricks won't work on me asshole"

Butch chukked and thought " hard to crack? I'll love it. She knew from the start.. this girl is something different. That makes me more want her than before." And he said

"You said that lime green and forest green are one.. so you're lime green and I am forest.. we are meant for each other"

"Yo.. they loved each other while you want my body to fuck and I don't believe in love so shut up before I cut your tongue out" and she finally slept.

"Wow. I can rape her so easily but I want more than her body now.."

Butch couldn't wait for the moment when she would moan his name. He went to her and went down to her face from behind

"Soon.. you'll be mine"

But he didn't knew kaoru wasn't sleeping but was scared and was holding back to not took out pistol and shoot him.. at night.. around 04:20 she got up and went into comfort room.. and locked it.. she took out paper soon aand wrote

"Yo boomer if I survive I'll kill and before you die I'll tutor you amd momoko along with persons who agreed on this plan. I will made sure you'll see alobe hell. Why?"

1. Butch is annoying

2. Flirts a lot

3. Want to have sex with me

4. Want to rape me

I have no other information. But I am going to die. Listen it's not like I am virgin and I think he is ugly. He is hot but I just.. not my tipe.. as it comes to you YOY FUCKING FUCKERS ILL FUCK YOU ALL AND I WILL SEND YOY TO HELL THERE WILL BE OTBER CURSES IN OTHER LETTERS NOW I AM PLANNING HOW TO MADE.YOUR FUNEREAL"

I just finished and there were window up and saw blond hair and I give letter to bokmer which returned to his cabin. Amd then there were knock on the door

"Hey.. are you okay? You've been here about 20 minutes"

"Fine just putting my hair"

And I went out. Yes I have spiky hair and he asked me

"I want to help you with that"

I nodded and we returned to our sits. He was trying to put my hait another way but hair is as stubborn as me and after of half hout he gave up

"I thought you were agent or something.. but you are person with spiky hair"

"Yea. And besides my fayher was criminal so be careful"

"But your father. You said"

"I know but he was rapist and killer. He raped my mother amd after 19 year he died by bullet from his daughter. "

'By you"

'Nah.. I was busy from drugs"


"Shut up"

And I slept.. without looking at him. I went to sleep bit in dream I was drown in those glowing forest green eyes..

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