Beenzino 💢 Fluff

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I was at home, waiting for the boyfriend, the notorious rapper Beenzino. Dating an idol wasn't easy. It was even hard to see each other the house they share. But finally, on a Friday afternoon, his manager told him to have the weekend off. It was Saturday morning and I dressed up so cutely and was waiting so patiently for my boo to come home when I suddenly got a message from Sung-bin

"Hey babe. I really wish that I can come home but Dokkie wanted me and the boys to come out with a song to promote the company. I'm soooooo sorry baby. I'll make it up to you. Cross my heart, hope to die. Love you sexy❣".

I, for the first time in a century, wore cute clothes and even did my makeup just for nothing. Well, I simply threw on one of his sweatshirts, cooked myself some food, removed all this paint from my face, and watched Friends. It was pretty lonely around the house, so I decided to go to sleep. Not even thinking of he is just pulling trick on me.

Beenzino POV

My manager told me I had the weekend off and my baby girl has waited patiently to be with me. All I can do is plan a nice date for her.
I told Dokkie PD-nim to cover for me if she gets the idea to check if Illionaire is making a song together. And I called  La Yeon to make reservations. Then came time to buy her a dress and shoes (best believe I got her some McQueen's). Before I knew it, it was 7:45 AM and knowing Y/N's lazy ass, she is probably still sleeping. I went to our shared room and placed the Blue Body-con with the Red Bottoms at her nightstand.


I woke up to the front door closing. Thinking it was an intruder came in, I took my ice pick out of my purse. Once I was going to grab my phone to call 911, I spotted some bags from  McQueen's. Inside was a dress some shoes and a note that said
" Sad and anxious, I fall into an abyss
With that H/C hair and E/C eyes,
I realise this is happening because it is
you I miss
Also, meet me in LaYeon's in an hour. No makeup. No jewellery.  Just you in that dress and shoes."

What a romantic. I took a quick shower, did my hair and squeezed my fat ass through that dress. I was about put on my new heels when I realised that I only had 5 minutes to get to a restaurant on the other side of the city. I ran outside with the shoes, locked the door, and when I turned around, there he was. Lim Sung bin. He stood there looking fine as hell, holding a bouquet of flowers, leaning on the car hood. He looked surprised but that was soon covered with a smirk I only see when we are about to.... do the dirty.. if you will.
I walked up to him and punched his arm, replacing that smirk with a look of agony
"Damn girl. What the hell was that for. Jeez I make reservations at the best restaurant in the city, buy you expensive shirt and you still hit me".

"Well boy, I got stood up by you right after I finished getting all dolled up for a guy who thinks getting a girl clothing is gonna fix a problem".

He then started laughing and said
"Babygirl. It was a prank. I needed time to make reservations for our date without being all curious George on me so I told you Dok PD-Nim wanted to make a song. I'm sorry I wasted your time tho".

I then continued on laughing with him and  asked him why all the expensive clothing and food and all. He pulled me by my waist and replied with

"You waited long and patiently for me to make time for you. It's the least I could do for you".

I gave him a kiss and yelled

I then heard him whisper
"You'll be the end of me baby girl"

We then drove off to La Yeon's

How was that? Cringy? Yes I know. Thanks for reading
732 words

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