"See ya later Nerd!"

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Kahan POV

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* I woke up to Dekus alarm, he was already up and brushing his teeth. 'Fuck, why do we have to go to school!?' I was so pissed, was having the best dream too... Me and Deku were on the beach, just relaxing, we were graduated by that point and Pros. I turned to him and asked him to marry me, and just as he was about to answer, the fucking clock went off!!!!! I got so mad I picked it up and exploded it. Deku popped his head out of the bathroom, "KAKAN!" He had the tooth brush hanging out of his mouth, 'so adorable' I thought. 'Shut up I'll get you a new one!' He went back to brushing his teeth. I finally forced myself to get up, I really had to pee. I walked into the bathroom, just realizing I was still naked. Deku looked up at me, how was he already dressed? The alarm had just gone off! I walked passed him to the toilet, 'Oi Deku, how are you already dressed? That fucking alarm just went off!!" He spit out the toothpaste in his mouth and rinsed the brush before answering, "Well I actually got up and hour ago! I normally wake up at 5:00 am, but during the night I set the alarm for later so you wouldn't get interrupted sleep... My body just naturally woke up at 5:00 anyway, so I did my normal morning routine and let you sleep." Hes just so sweet... he tried to give me as much sleep as possible, 'What did I do to deserve such a sweat person?' I asked, he blushed and smiled, "I'm not that special, any normal person would-" I cut him off, picked him up and hugged him tightly. I put him down and simply said with a smile 'Thank you! And take the fucking compliment!' He just nodded and blushed.

Dekus POV

"Take the compliment!" I didn't want Kachan to think me letting him sleep longer was anything special, but I did as he said and nodded. My back kind of hurt from last night, but I wasn't going to say anything about it, I didn't want him to feel bad. Then I remembered, 'Wait Kachan, how are you supposed to get to your dorm without being seen?' He suddenly made and "oh shit" face. "Um, I'll just take the stairs so I don't bump into anyone on the elevator🤷‍♀️" He seemed nervous, I hoped that me folding his cloths so they wouldn't wrinkle would make him feel better. 'Um, I folded your clothes for you, they're on the dresser...' He seemed to just now remember he was still naked, "Oh yeah, I should probably put those on." He said, he walked out and got dressed, I walked out and stared to brush the knots out of my hair. He was dressed now, he stood there just looking at me, 'Um, is something wrong Kachan?' He smiled and said "I'm finally allowed to stare at you without consequence..." he grabbed his bag and the door handle, "See ya later Nerd!" He left, I smiled. I was so happy, I was with someone who not only appreciated me, but was my guardian (even though I knew I could easily protect myself).  I left my room and walked to UA, 'wow, so much has happened in the span of 24 hours' I thought.

Kachan POV

I managed to get to my room without anyone seeing me, of course Icy-Hot is a special snowflake, (and ember?) so he took the stairs. I was able to exit the stair well on the floor it let out to before he saw me, I waited for him to pass and got to my floor, man he pisses me off. I opened my door and saw one of my folders on the floor rite in front of it, 'Oh, someone must have slid it under their door..' I thought nothing of it. I quickly got into a clean uniform, and did normal maintenance. I arrived at UA with about 10 minutes to spare, 'Not bad' I thought to myself. I walked into home room and everyone looked at me, then back at Deku, then back at me. Deku has his hands folded on his desk, he was just sitting there twiddling his thumbs. 'THE HELL ARE YOU ALL STARING AT?!!' I yelled, they all averted there eyes, did Deku tell them?! I figured I would ask Kirishima, 'Hey shityhair!' I said as I walked in, 'Come here!' Everyone was socializing in there cliques, 'Why did everyone do that just now?' "Well, last night, I waited for you to come to our dorm floor because you dropped one of your folders. I waited for about an hour, I knew you were with Deku so I didn't want to bug you. I ended up just sliding it under your door. But this morning I wanted to see if you wanted to walk to school with me, when you didn't answer I thought you were messing with me, so I looked under the door to see if you were watching me through the peep whole...  and the folder was still there, untouched, unmoved, and I know that's not like you. So I put two and two together that you didn't leave Dekus room last n-" 'What the fuck Kirishima?!' I whisper yelled as I cut him off, 'I fell asleep playing a board game with Deku and he didn't wake me, thats it!' "Sorry, it's just, Uraraka's room is right above his," 'Shit!' "And she thought she heard you guys yelling at each other..." 'Oh thank god!' 'Uh what can I say? Deku is shitty at games!'

Deku POV

'They all know! They all know and Kachan won't wanna talk to me anymore!' This thought kept running through my head every time someone looked at me, eventually Uraraka walked up to me and said, "Deku-kan, did Bakugou hurt you?" I was shocked hearing her say that, that's the last thing he would want to do to me right now. 'What?! No, why would you think that?' "It's just, well, I heard you guys yelling last night, I was worried you had gotten into an argument. Then I remembered about how I told you he liked you, I thought that he might have gotten angry and tried to deny it. That he might have done something to you, to well, 'keep you quiet'... and it would have all been my fault and I was so worried!" I looked at her in awe, she really was an amazing best friend, 'No Uraka-chan! You got it all wrong! I haven't confronted him about anything, we were just playing a board game, and he's a sore loser...' I hoped Kachan told the same lie! "Few! I'm so glad! In that case, why didn't he leave your room last night?" I froze, I didn't know what story Kachan was telling, I only had to pray I said the same thing, or something close! 'Uh he got tired from yelling at me and playing, he fell asleep, and I didn't want to wake him!' "Oh, ok that makes sense! I'm just glad your okay!" 'Thank you for being so concerned for me though!' "Again, that's what friends are for!" We hugged and she sat down, I looked at Kachan, he seemed angry, 'Oh no, I hope he's not mad at me!' I looked at him and he met my gaze, I made a head motion at the door, implying I needed to talk to him. He nodded and got up said to Kirishima "I'm going to take a piss!" And left. I waited about 2 minutes to make it look natural and followed. He was waiting at the water fountains, our once normal arguing spot... 'Kachan! What did you tell Kirishima!?' "Well I said that the yelling was us playing a bored game, and me staying was me falling asleep and you not wanting to wake me." Wow, I was rite on the money! 'I said the exact same thing!' Kachan let it a sigh of relief, "Good!"

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