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(I did have more planned for this chapter, however a lot of people, as predicted, got upset about the last😂 so I wanted to get this part out ASAP so you could rest easy that THIS IS STILL A BAKUDEKU STORY😎)

Kachan POV

In the midst of my lust and pain, I came to my senses, I shouldn't be doing this! I gently pulled away from Todoroki for the last time, 'I, we, shouldn't be doing this...' I could tell he felt bad for going with it, and for once I wasn't going to hold it against him, he did try to help me after all. He composed himself and simply said, "Y-your right... I'm sorry. Do you um- feel any better?" I thought about that, did I? I mean yes I did for the moment because it made me forget about what happen, I tried to think 'What would Deku do?' 'I- I think so, I'm going to give him a chance to explain before I do anything...' "Okay... I'm sorry again, about uh-" 'It's fine. Just, really don't talk about it...' "I promise." "And I have to tell you, it meant nothing. I just don't want you to feel any more uncomfortable than we already will." Something seemed to change in his face when I said that, "Okay." I gave him a nod and left back to my dorm. I opened the door to see Deku pacing back and forth mumbling to himself, he didn't notice me until he heard me close the door. He stopped and stood straight as a bored, he bowed and practically yelled, "Kachan I am so sorry! Shinso was visiting! Playing with his quirk! As a joke he had me chase around Kirishima!! It wasn't real! It was all in good fun I'm so sorry I ever hurt you!" Now I felt two things, one being that I had nothing to worry about and should have known he wouldn't do that and they both love me. Two, I was going to loose him. He rushed me with a hug, and I held him so tightly... because this meant it was probably the last I ever would. "Kachan I'm so sorry will you ever forgive me?!" I stopped him and took him over to my bed to sit, 'Listen, I have no reason to be upset with you, this only made me realize how much I really care about the both of you...' he started to smile. 'But I have to tell you something, and, whatever you decide to do with the information... I will respect.' His smile was gone and morphed into a face of concern, I was so sure he wouldn't want to be with me once he heard what I had done. 'I accidentally ran to Todorokis room instead of mine, he ended up inviting me in because he saw I was distraught...' "Oh my god Kachan... DID YOU KILL SHOTO?!!!" Even though this moment was a very serious one, I laughed so much at that! 'No you dork oh my god! Even though I want too a lot...' He took a sigh of relief and allowed me to continue, 'So, we sat and I just ended up crying on him,' his face was one of shock at hearing that, it was still strange to me too, 'and I don't know why, but I couldn't get angry. I could only feel sad. No matter how hard I tried it couldn't! Then, I'm still not sure why, we made eye contact... and I saw your eyes. Even though they weren't really there, I saw your big emerald eyes and I-' "You kissed him...." In defeat, I simply said a small coward like, 'yes. But I came too and stopped it almost as soon as it began!' He looked at the floor, his hands were folded and he was twirling his thumbs, "Think, did you really see me? Or did you see Todoroki?" This confused me, I pondered and decided, 'B-both? I wanted it to be you... but I still knew it was him.' He nodded and continued looking at the floor, I didn't dare speak. I felt like a little kid who did something wrong and felt awful for it. Deku was the parent was thinking of how to react, do they come down on the behavior, or do they let it slide because you feel remorse about it? "Do you love him?" I didn't even have to think about that, 'No.' He nodded again and said, "Do you love me?" His voice got a little shaken, 'O-of course! Other wise I wouldn't have told you...' His thumbs went faster, "Katsuki..." And that's when the child knows they're in deep shit, the name was used, "I've thought about it, and I don't think you could necessarily be held fully accountable for your actions, but at the same time, you should?" He was talking so, professionally... I guess he was trying to hide his emotions with words, never knew that was something he would do. "I think- I just, you didn't do it out of spite or to hurt me... did you?" He turned to me when he said that, the small tears building in his eyes hurt so bad, 'Of course I didn't!! I would never! Izuku I love you... My god I would never!' I grabbed my head, had I really led him to believe I'd I was that evil?

Deku POV

I was struggling, to hold it together, to speak my thoughts, to just analyze instead of feel, to just not feel... I wanted to cry, to say 'Why would you if you "love me"?' But then logic would come in, analyzing, just like All Might said to do in scary hero situations... His mental state at the time, he obviously wasn't thinking clearly when it happen. And even though he initiated the start, he did the same with the finish... Should the real question have been why did Shoto do it? 'Kachan...' He perked up at hearing the nick name, obviously giving him a shred of hope, he most likely thought I was going to end things, 'I forgive you.' Just saying that, that simple sentence, made my rock, the powerful Katsuki, break. He stood in front of me, and did something that made me feel like we were little kids again- he bowed.

I was suddenly shot back, back to one time when we were almost 6, just before he started to resent me. We were told by my mom, "Make sure, when someone does something for you, is your elder, or is someone to be respected, to bow!" She showed us an example, and practically in sink, we both asked "Why!?" She laughed and said, "Because it makes you respectful, just like a hero!" We heard the word and instead of playing, all that day we practiced bowing at each other. We were at our favorite, park under our favorite tree... an acorn fell on his head in the middle of him bowing. We both laughed and rolled in the sand for an hour.

In this moment, I felt joy. Even when I should be sad, angry, crushed, I laughed... he was caught off guard by my sudden laugh and looked up, a small tear rolling off his face. He didn't have to ask, his face said it all. All I said was, 'Man, I wish I had an acorn!' His face suddenly lit up, for someone who had just been emotionally torn for the past few hours that is. He held out his hand to me, I took it and we hugged. At that point, we weren't "lovers" anymore, not even highschool students, but we were kids again... sharing a mutual infatuation with each other. And with a child like innocents, happy.

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