2: Finn POV

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Finn POV:

After meeting Bayley backstage and congratulating her, she had to go shower and everything so I went back to my locker room

I was on my phone when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door to find Seth Rollins standing there.

"Seth how are you man?" I said letting him in

"I'm good I just wanted to ask you something"

"Ask away"

"Do you have feelings for Bayley?"

I felt my face getting hotter and I froze

"I'll take that as a yes" he said chuckling

"I-I don't have feelings for her why would you think that?" I stuttered

"Well you don't hide it very well dude"

I sighed and sat down "listen, it doesn't matter she's engaged"

He sat down next to me "she's not married yet, why haven't they gotten married yet? It's been almost 2 years don't you think it's because somethings holding them back? Maybe they're just in denial that they aren't meant for each other"

Could that really be what's going on? No it can't be that she doesn't like me like that

"I don't know I think Bayley is just busy with work"

"Whatever dude"

After Seth left

I took a walk out in the halls to clear my head. I turned a corner and heard shouting. I thought nothing of it but then I saw Bayley's face. I quickly turned around and went back around the corner.

I was about to walk away when I heard my name


Why does everyone think that we're together?

"We're not I swear" I heard Bayley say. She sounded like she was on the verge of tears

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME!" And with that I heard a crash.

I turned to look at what happened to see Bayley cupping her cheek with tears in her eyes.

I didn't know what to do, I wanted to go over to her and beat his ass but I didn't want to get involved and make it worse

Screw it he can't treat her like that

"Hey asshole" I said walking up and punching him in the face. He fell to the floor and I proceeded to punch him. I don't know what got into me but I felt myself using as much strength as I could and I couldn't stop myself

"FINN STOP PLEASE" that's what finally stopped me. Her voice. She was hurting and this probably wasn't helping

I turned to look at her and she had a red mark from his hand on her cheek. I crouched down next to her and cupped her chin looking at the mark. I used my free hand to graze it and she flinched. "Sorry" she looked at me and gave me a weak smile "thank you"

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