20:Bayley and Finn POV

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Bayley POV:

The next week passed and it was the night of fastlane. I've never been this excited to be at work. I could tell this was going to be my year and I'm ready.

Me and the gang went out for breakfast. "So Bayley it's your night back how are you feeling?" Sasha asked taking a bite out of her pancakes

"I'm great. I'm so excited. You and me are gonna make these titles mean something I can feel it." I said giving her a fist bump

We continued to eat until it was time to go. We drove to the arena and got out with our bags in hand.

"Home sweet home" I said running around like a kid in a candy store

I saw my friends laughing at me and I joined. "I've really missed being here together. Let's go get ready!" I'm so giddy I can't explain it

"This is our stop. See you guys later" I smiled at Sami and Finn

Finn snuck a kiss on the forehead before running after Sami. "That was-are you two like together?!" Sasha asked smiling

"Well not exactly. We're just friends who kiss sometimes and sleep in the same bed occasionally" I said awkwardly

"You guys are so cute you don't even know" Sasha said sitting down in her makeup chair

"Bayley! You're back yay!" I heard a familiar voice say

"Mella?! How are you?!" I asked hugging her

"I'm good. How are you? You holding up okay? I saw what happened at the Performance Center"

"I'm fine. Thanks. I'm really excited to be back. I haven't felt this excited to be at work since NXT"

"That's great!"

We continued to talk until we were done. "Oh yeah Stephanie said she wanted to see you after make up" Carmella said waving bye to me as I walked off

I went to her and HHH's office and knocked on the door

HHH opened the door and let me in "Bayley. It's really nice to see you" he said hugging me lightly. I smiled and returned the hug

"Thanks it's nice to see you guys too. Mella said you wanted to see me?"

"Yeah. We already spoke to Sasha earlier today but you're loosing the titles. Not tonight but next raw. That doesn't sound good but you're going to win at Money in the bank and cash in on Charlotte to win the title"

I was really excited and thanked them but then my mind went to Sasha "Wait. What about Sasha? What's gonna happen to her?"

"Well. We're thinking of doing a heel turn for her and you guys go head to head for the title"

After the meeting I went to catering to meet up with everyone

"Sasha! Did you hear?! We might have a storyline just us two!" I said sitting down next to her

"I know! And you're getting a title!" She whispered the last part

"I know it so exciting! Oh there's the boy" I said waving them over

They sat down across from us and stared.

"Why are you two so happy?" Sami said laughing taking a bite out of his food

"Bayley is gonna win at money in the bank and is gonna successfully cash in" Sasha spilled

"Sasha! I wanted it to be a surprise" I said fake pouting

"Sorry I'm just so excited!" Sasha said laughing

"Bay that's great!" Sami said and Finn agreed

"Wait what about your current titles?" Finn asked

"Well we loose them next week so that sucks but they said we were probably gonna get a storyline together" I answered smiling

"As long as we work together I don't care" Sasha laughed


"Bayley?" I heard Becky say from behind me

I gave Finn a look telling him to tell her to go away and he nodded

"Becky maybe now isn't the right time-" he said getting up

"No I need to talk to you Bayley. Please"

I sighed and turned around. "Fine. You have 5 minutes but after that I walk understand?" I said walking away with her

She took me to Seth's locker room which had everyone in it who was at the PC except Paige

"5 minutes. Go" I said sitting down

"Bayley you know you're one of my best friends right? You inspire me so much and it just hurt to see you hurt. I think it hurt that you didn't trust me enough to tell me. But that's selfish. It's a sensitive topic obviously and we should've been more sensitive. I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me" Charlotte said sitting down next to me

"I'm sorry too. I didn't mean for things to get out of hand. I just wanted to check up on you. I didn't really know how to react to the news." Becky said sitting on the other side of me

Soon everyone took their turn apologizing and I accepted. "I'm sorry for the way I acted. You were just trying to check on me" I said putting my head on Becky's shoulder

"What happened with Paige though? That was crazy" Renee said

Soon everyone started coming up with ideas as to why she said what she said but none of them made sense

"Maybe she just thought it was my fault too. I think so. She's right I should've done something sooner. I was just scared and didn't know what to do so I stayed u til it got out of hand." I said sighing

"Bayley none of this is your fault" Seth said giving me a sympathetic smile

"I know. But I can't help but think it is. It's just part of going through something like this I guess"

Finn POV:

"Well it's been more than 5 minutes. Maybe that means it's going well?" Sami said

"I hope. I know they all meant well. Except Paige. That wasn't cool" Sasha said shaking her head

"If it wasn't going well I think she would've just came back here. Maybe they made up" I smiled hopefully

I know she misses them. I just want everything to go back to normal for her. She needs normal

Soon enough they all came back with smiles on their faces and they filled the empty seats at the table

"So it went well I'm assuming" I said laughing and looking at Bayley

She smiled back at me and laughed. "I think we should go find Paige. Has anyone seen her since what happened?"

"Bay do you think that's a good idea?" I said wearily

"No. But I think she deserves a chance to explain" she said getting up again

"Sasha. We gotta go"

"We'll be watching" I called out after them

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