22: Bayley POV

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Bayley POV:

I've been feeling so much better and everything seemed to be falling back into place. Most things anyways, I never did speak to Paige. I plan to change that tomorrow. Tomorrow is the first day of axxess so everyone should be there.

Me and Sasha did lose our titles but we lost them to the iiconics and I know they'll do something fun with the titles. Currently I was waiting in the hotel lobby for Finn, Sami, and Sasha who had all been out shopping and walking around downtown while I was speaking to my therapist. Oh did I mention I've started seeing a therapist online? It's been very helpful especially since I'm on the road.

Sami, Sasha, and Finn have been my support system and I can't believe how good they are to me. I'm so unbelievably thankful for them. Me and Finn haven't been on our date yet. We've been so busy so we're waiting until after wrestlemania when we are less busy.

"Guess who?" Finn said cutely as I felt his hands cover my eyes. "Hm... Sami?" I laughed. They all chuckled and sat down. People now know about me and Finn so we don't have to hide. Well people we know in real life know about us. Fans speculate but we haven't confirmed anything because we haven't had that talk yet, at the moment we're just seeing each other nothing technically is official.

"Did you guys have fun? What did you do?" I asked as they sat down next to me and Finn put his arm around me. "Well Sasha dragged us into every store imaginable." Sami groaned jokingly. I laughed "sounds like her. Did you get anything good?"

Sasha showed me some clothes she bought and we continued to talk for awhile. "We should probably get some rest. Wrestlemania weekend starts tomorrow and it can be brutal if you don't get sleep." I said. They all agreed and we went our separate ways. Sami and Sasha have been rooming together so me and Finn had a room to ourselves.

We went into our room and we just sat down and decided to talk for awhile. "So how did your therapy go today?" He asked sweetly. "Good, he told me that I need to take it easy this weekend since it's my first meet and greet since the news was leaked and I don't know what is gonna happen but I'm not too worried." I explained. "That's good. You don't have anything to be worried about. Me and Sasha are gonna be with you the whole time anyways." He said smiling. "That's true. I'm so glad we get to team again. We haven't been on tv together like this since Mixed Match Challenge so this whole storyline has been really fun. I don't want it to be over" I said frowning.

"Well when this is over you win Money in the Bank and become a champion." He reminded me giving me a pat on the shoulder. "That's true but I'll miss you being at my ringside." I said smiling. "Maybe I'll still be able to be at your ringside. Probably not since they most likely won't want me and Sasha out there but you never know, but at least we get a wrestlemania match together which is more than I ever would've expected. It's crazy how much has happened in these past few months." He said. "I know."

We continued to talk for awhile before we decided to go to bed. "Goodnight Finn. Get some rest I'm serious it's gonna be a long weekend." I said giggling. "Yeah yeah I know. Goodnight Bay." He said kissing me.

The next morning

Me and Sasha decided to get some breakfast just us girls to talk before axxess.

"Bayley there's something I've been wanting to talk about." She said nervously. I could tell it was serious. "What is it? You can tell me anything." I said.

"Well... me and Sarath have been having some problems recently." She said softly. I was completely shocked. They always seemed to be so happy.

"What's going on?" I asked concerned. "Well ever since he stopped working and being on the road with me he's been very paranoid and mean to me." She explained.

"Paranoid about what?" I asked. "He thinks I'm cheating on him with Sami because we have been getting really close and we're rooming together now." She said sadly. "Have you told him that the only reason you guys are rooming together is because me and Finn are together?" I asked sadly. This is all my fault and I feel terrible.

"Yes I've told him that but he says that Sami could've stayed alone or something. I said that I was just being nice and it was also to save both of us money because we split the bill and the driving between the two of us." She explained to me.

She talked about their problems while I listened for awhile and she finally said something that sounded crazy. "I'm gonna leave him"

"What!?" I asked "you heard me. I can't deal with it anymore. Things have been rocky for months but it's gotten really bad since the Sami situation happened. And I've seen what you and Finn have and I'm jealous. Not because you're dating him but because you have something so amazing and perfect and I want that. That's what I thought I had but it remains to be proven wrong." She said sighing. I grabbed her hand and gave her a sympathetic smile. "If that's what you want I'm backing you 100% and when you need somewhere to stay you know where I am back home." I said. She thanked me and gave me a hug.

"Wait does Sami know what's going on?" I asked curiously. "No and I'm not gonna tell him!" She said quickly. "Why?" I asked "I don't want him to think it's his fault that we're getting a divorce. It's just how it worked out and I don't want him to resent himself for it." She explained. It made sense knowing Sami he wouldn't believe that it wasn't his fault even if everyone told him it wasn't so it was probably smart not to tell him.

After breakfast we met up with the boys, Seth and Becky. I hugged everyone and we were talking about our plans for the day. "Becky you have a huge weekend ahead miss main event." I said smiling. "Yeah I can't believe how far we've come."

We talked about how proud we are of her and Charlotte until it was time for us to go to our first interview. Finn, Sasha, and I walked to meet up with Renee after saying goodbye to our friends. "Bayley hey, have you talked to Paige? I know you were planning on it today." Renee said. 

Right I almost forgot. "No I haven't. I don't even know where to find her." I said with a frown. "I'll help you look" Sasha said. "I think I saw her near the merch store but there's so many people there it's hard to know for sure. I'm sure if you ask around you'll find her, good luck Bayley." Renee said hugging us and saying bye before she left.

"Well it looks like I'm gonna go have a conversation with that victim blamer, wish me luck" I said not excited. Me and Sasha went to the merch store that wasn't yet open so it was only filled with superstars trying to get pictures and videos to promote their merchandise. "Bayley I see her. That bitch is talking to Nattie." Sasha said practically scoffing.

We marched over to her and I tapped her shoulder. "I'm gonna go" Nattie said leaving quickly. "Paige I wanna talk to you. Not here because I don't want to make a scene but if you could come with us to the back and we can talk that would be nice." I said sternly

We all three walked to backstage where we could have some privacy. We sat at a table and I started to speak, "Okay I'm gonna let you explain yourself." Paige raised her eyebrows and said, "Explain myself? You slapped me remember, how about you explain yourself." 

She thought I owed her an explanation? She deserved that slap and then some. "She doesn't owe you an explanation you victim blaming, plastic, two faced bitch. She is being courteous by giving you a chance to correct yourself but here you are with that same nasty attitude that got you suspended multiple times." Sasha snapped

My jaw dropped, Sasha always popped off when she needed to. "I don't need this. Screw both of you, I don't regret anything I said to you. You've always been a naive bitch Bayley, I'm not surprised this happened to you." Paige said storming off

I was shocked that anyone could have that much hate in their heart to say that to someone, let alone someone who was their friend just a few weeks ago. 

"Don't come crying to us the next time you have relationship problems you whore." Sasha said 


next part coming soon 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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