4: Finn POV

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Finn POV:

After Bayley stormed out I was left with Sasha in my locker room

I sat down and put my face in my hands. I couldn't grasp what just happened. It all happened so quickly

I wasn't listening to anything Sasha was saying until she snapped in my face

"Huh?" I looked up at her confused

"I said, what is her problem. You know I always try to help her then she snaps at me. I'm don't trying to help her because obviously she doesn't need it-"

"Sasha don't please. You don't know what she's going through"

She scoffed "if it was that bad she would've told me"

"She didn't even want to tell me I had to force it out of her but you seriously can't act like you're the victim if you don't know what's going on" I snapped

"Is it seriously that bad?" She calmed down

"Yeah...it is"

"You have to tell me what's going on then. She's obviously not going to tell me" maybe I should tell her what's happening. Bayley needs all the support she can get

"I can't even though I should it's not my place" I sigh

"Finn if she's in danger you need to tell me so I can help her. Help you help her."

I pondered for a minute and she was right

"It's Aaron"

The next day

I walked into Monday Night Raw with Seth

Seth walked to find Dean and Renee so I decided to go get ready for my promo

I was walking to my locker room when I bumped into Bayley. I looked at her and she had her head down still "Hey you okay?" I said putting my hand on her shoulder

"I'm fine" she said in such a quiet voice it was almost a whisper

"Are you sure?" I said lifting her head up to look at me. She had a bruise around her eye.

"Did he do this to you?" I said rubbing my thumb over it. She flinched away from me


"Bayley..." she cut me off by hugging me

I was about to say something when I heard people saying "aw" and some giggling

I looked up a bit to see Seth, Dean, Renee, and Paige standing down the hallway

Bayley let go of me to see who was there but made sure the wouldn't see her eye by covering it with her hair.

"See I knew it!" Seth said laughing

"I'm gonna go" Bayley said walking away

"Wait girl! You can't just leave we haven't seen you since last night. We all went out for drinks to celebrate but you never showed." Paige said grabbing her shoulder

"Yeah I was just um. I was so tired from last night I had to get some sleep. Also you know how I am with alcohol I don't like to drink" she said while rubbing her arm up and down shyly. She is somehow so cute even when she's sad

"Aw Bayley being her innocent self" Renee giggled and wrapped her arm around Bayley's other shoulders

I didn't know how to make them go away so we could talk but I had to go soon anyway for my promo but at least then she won't be alone if they're here

"What's with all the hair in you face?" Renee laughed and started to move Bayley's hair out of her face

Uh oh

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