7:Bayley POV

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Bayley POV

"W-what's going on?" I asked shakily

"Bayley he just wants to talk okay?" Finn was taken out of the room. "Finn? Don't leave please I can't do this alone you said you'd be here with me!"

"He can't be in here sweetheart" a cop said sitting down in front of me

"Why are you here?" I asked scooting back

"I'm just going to ask a couple questions. Dr.Ramoray told us what you told him, now who's Aaron?"

"I thought he couldn't tell anyone anything like confidentiality or something"

"He works in partnership with the police departments so that rule doesn't matter if there is illegal activity"

Great job Bayley.

"Now who's Aaron?" I sat down and explained him everything. And I actually mean everything not just the hitting me parts like I told the doctor."

It's been hours. I'm sure almost everyone has gone home except for management

I was finally let out and was told to stay at a friends house and that I couldn't go home because they were going to start investigating the case

I walked out of the medic room excepting an empty hallway but what I got was pleasing to say the least

I saw Seth Rollins and a sleeping Finn Balor

I walked over to them and whispered to Seth "what are you guys doing here?"

He got up and grabbed my arm lightly pulling me farther away from Finn so we wouldn't wake him. "I don't know what he was doing here but I guess now I do. I just walked by and he was asleep so I stayed with him to make sure he didn't try to go drive and fall asleep at the wheel or something"

"He stayed?" I asked surprised

"Seems like it"

I couldn't help but smile a little at the fact that he didn't break his promise and stayed even though it was currently 2 am

"Thanks for staying with him Seth. You should get some sleep and Becky's probably worried sick wondering where you are" I chuckled

He chuckled too "apparently she has done this also on many occasions back when they trained together so she gets it" he hugged me goodbye and I walked back over to finn

He looked so peaceful when he was asleep

"Thank you finn for everything. I don't know what I'd do without you" I whispered quietly and I kissed his forehead sitting next to him. I figured I'd text Sasha and see if I could stay at her place while he got some well deserved rest.

Sasha was on her way to pick me up when I felt him stir a bit

He turned his head and lates it on my shoulder and I couldn't help but giggle

"Hm" he mumbled a bit waking up

"Morning sleepy head" I smiled

"Bayley? How long have you been out?" He asked sitting up

"Only like an hour"

"Sorry I guess I fell asleep. What happened?"

"He just asked some questions and suggested that I stay with a friend since Aaron is at my apartment"

"You can stay at my place. I live alone so it's not like you'd be interrupting anything" he laughed

"Thanks for the offer but Sasha is already on her way"

"Well if you for some reason need to leave Sasha's my offer still stands"

We talked for awhile until Sasha got there

"Hey girl are you okay? What's going on you just said you needed a place to stay because you can't be with Aaron right now" Sasha sat down next to me

"I'm fine and I'll explain everything I promise but I think I need a good nights sleep before all that drama again"

"And what's Finn doing here?"

"Oh he is just a sweetheart and waited for me" I said putting my head on his shoulder

"You guys are both such cuties"Sasha laughed "Finn did you Uber here like usual?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well you can come back with us or we can drop you off at the hotel"

"You don't have to"

"It's the least I can do since you watched Bayley for a while" she teased

"Fine if you insist"

And with that we walked out all three of us arms linked my head on Finn's shoulder to Sasha's car

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