3:Bayley and Finn POV

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Finn POV:

"Why are you thanking me?" I asked my hand still cupping her face. "Thank you for saving me" I smiled at her and hesitated to let go of her. I stood up and offered her my hand "let's go get you some ice"

I walked over Aaron's body and whispered to him "if I ever see you lay a hand on her again you won't live to see the next day"

I brought Bayley back to my locker room and let her in. "Sorry its a bit messy, I was packing but then Seth came in and I took a break" she sat down on the couch and smiled "it's okay"

I grabbed her an ice pack from the medic room and sat down next to her

"Thanks" she said as I handed her the ice pack and she put it up to her tear stained cheeks

Bayley POV:

"Bay we need to talk about what just happened"

"I know"

"Has he ever done something like this before?"

I felt tears welling in my eyes again. "Hey, it's okay I'm here. But you have to tell me what's going on" his Irish voice soothing me.

I sighed, he was right I had to tell someone might as well be him

"A couple times" I said breaking down into tears, his arms wrapped around me

"What has he done?" He asked stroking the back of my head

"He's hit me a couple times. He also-" I sobbed I couldn't say it. But I deserved it I should've just listened to him

"He what? Bay you can talk to me it's okay"

"He raped me" I spit out

I felt Finns hand stop moving on the back of my head and his arms slowly unwrap from around me. I looked up at him to see why. I could see his face get red I don't know if it was because he was uncomfortable or if he was angry

"He...I'm going to kill him" I heard him whisper

"He's not a monster!"

"Bayley yes he is! You don't deserve to be treated like this! Come with me we're going to the police." He said getting up

"No! You don't know him! You don't know him!" I'm sure everyone in the backstage area heard me


"I can't! I can't turn him in I can't!"

"I just need you to come with me so we can find some help" he said sitting me back down and he crouched in front of me "he shouldn't be doing that to you"


"He doesn't love you"

"Yes he does!" My throat felt so dry from the combination of screaming and sobbing

"Bay just calm down okay?" He said putting his hand on my knee

"I can't go. They won't believe me" I said putting my hand over my mouth trying to cover the sobs

"They'll believe me, I'll be with you the whole time"

There was a knock at the door "Finn? Are you okay?"

It was Sasha. My other best friend

He looked at me like he was asking permission to answer

I nodded wiping my eyes

He got up slowly and opened the door slightly and stuck his head out

"Yeah I'm fine what's up?" He said trying to act calm

"I heard screaming, is there someone in there?" she said pointing and sticking her head past him

"Bayley? What's going on?" She said looking between the two of us

"Nothing were fine!" I said looking down

"Obviously not, the whole backstage heard you. Stephanie sent me back here to see what was going on" she said

That's embarrassing

"Bayley you should tell her" Finn said from across the room

"I shouldn't have told you. I have to go Aaron's waiting" I said getting up and walking to the door

Sasha grabbed me and said "you can tell me anything let me help you" I snatched my arm away from her and gave her a dirty look and I walked away

Finn was about to say something but Sasha cut him off. "Just let her go she obviously doesn't need our help"

I sighed and left. It's been a long night.

I walked through catering and got a lot of stares since they all saw me come out of Finn's room where all the screaming was coming from

Stephanie stopped me "Hey do need to talk?" I sniffled and look at her "I think I just need some sleep" she gave me a sympathetic smile and nodded "if you need to talk, off the record my door is always open"

I thanked her and went home

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