meeting some characters

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Michael pov

Jeremy has ignored me for months I've always thought he was only hanging out with me out of pity but i didn't know it would hurt this much

He doesn't need me anymore hes popular and he was all i had i was all he had so here i am doing what I've done for years

Decorating my arms it doesn't hurt many would think it does but my arms to numb to feel any pain

I watch the blood and the water go dripping down the drain as i clean the blade that still has dried blood on it

After wiping the blood off my arms i exit the bathroom and just cry in my bed

God michael your so pathetic

You've been selfish to have a crush on your best friend for years

Wow you really thought he would like you

After crying for what seems forever i feel my face oh my god it feels mushy like

After my eyes and lungs are to tried i eventually drift off

~time skip~

ITS FROM JAPPPPANNNNNN my alarm roars (thats acctualy my alarm)

I press the x on my phone


I grab my glasses slip a hoodie on and don't even bother to do anything else my mothers would lecture me all the time for this but honestly i don't care

They are never home and i sometimes wonder if they even care about my existence

I grab my keys and go in my pt cruiser blasting bob marley trying to calm down

It doesn't work

"So much for feeling satisfied with life"

I change it to some sad music because why not first one up is silent scream 30 minutes before school i can make it to 7/11

I drive to seven eleven and run into that trench coat kid again i wonder why hes always heere then again this is like my second home i have no room to talk

I ignore the some what cute but crazy as fuck looking dude and get a cherry slushie

"Hey ronnica!"

"Hey michael a slushie again"

"As always you and mac still dating"

"Yeah she got to be a lawyer (in this fic veronica and heather m are in their 20s) been dating since 17 thinking of marying her"

"Congrats! You're mom always said you would marry a lawyer"

"Yeah what about jermey hows he doing"

"He still has that squip and hes ignoring me its hurts"

She grabs my hand over the counter and gives it a tight squeeze

"Don't worry you can save him don't give up on it I've made that mistake in the past you can change him you see the dude in the trench coat"

"Yeah hes here everyday"

"Well hes a physco he tried to make me kill others with him and forge suicide letters i didn't fall for it he won't stop telling me that our love is god i wish that i could have fixed him without the forgery"

"Thank you Veronica i will remember that im not loosing the jermey i grew up knowing thank you!"

I check the time



I quickly hop into my pt cruiser and zoom to school 7:58 i race to my locker grab my shit throw away my empty slushie cup and head to class

~time skip because the author doesn't know how classes go on highschool~

I get lunch but just stare it down not only it looks disgusting im not hungry i ignore the foods existence and just listen to music

I honestly have no idea why even bother to go the cafeteria anyway i dump my food into the trash can and head to the bathroom

I have nothing to do no one to talk to i  sit in the corner of the bathroom and listen to music 30 minutes untill my next class

My music is interupted by fast paced steps a boy with chestnut blonde hair and a blue polo came racing into the bathroom

"Oh a-am i-i i-nter-upt-ing so-o-m-ething"

I pull my headphones down

"No way you're fine"

"C-a-a-an i uh s-it t-t-here" he points beside me

"Sure" i scoot over giving him room

"Whats up why you in heere"

"Just uh ne-r-vo-us"

"Ah i get it its fine you can talk to me"

"W-w-why are y-y-ou he-e-re"

"I didn't feel like eating lunch and i wanted to listen to some music before class weird question but have you found your soulmate"

He nods his head


"Well uh his na-a-ame is j-j-j-ared his b-b-ir-th day was 2 m-m-onths ago"

(Sorry i personally ship kleinsen i know treebros is more popular i explain why in mu bio thingy if you wanna know why)

I get up

"I-uh i didn't c-c-atch your na-ame"

"I didn't throw it but names michael michael mell"

"Ev-ev-an ha-a-n-sen"

"Ok see ya bye!"


Huh i think i have math with him but english is my next class ugh welp les go

~time skip to end of school day~

"H-h-ey michael um c-can i have your nu-num-ber" it was evan

"Yeah sure" we exchange numbers

"Thanks! Is it ok i-if i g-i-ive jared your nu-num-ber"

"Yeah sure you guys wanna come over tommorrow"

"Yeah thanks!"

"No problem!"

Huh that was ok im not really happier though no one can replace jermey im going to Jake's party in two days on friday i hope to talk to jermey about the squip thing

I hop in my car and head to my house

990 words

Hope the first chapter was good this was just to introduce some characters not all of them though hamilton and in the heights will appear and zoe and alana will be soulmates don't worry i wasn't lying in the tags and yes Connor is in the story
                      Sincerly me

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