saving some motherfuckers

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I shoot up from my bed like rockets out of a rocket launcher wait why am u up my alarm didn't go off i look over at my phone


Jesus faist i woke up early i get out of bed a go to the bathroom i stare at my razor blade

Why not i grab the blade and make a bunch of cuts on my arm suddenly everything went fuzzy i heard my body collapse to the ground

And everything went dark...

Im at lunch and i noticed i haven't seen michael at all today i chew on my nails nervously thinking of how to act

I go into the bathroom and theres no michael i call him

Voicemail box
Hey its michael why the fuck would someone call me

"I'll just call again"

Michael (sorry for the short evan pov i know people hate that)

I wake up on the cold bathroom floor wait why am i here then i see my razor shit thats going to leave some blood stains on my blade


My ringtone goes off i grab my phone and pick up


"Hey michael thank god last time i called you didn't answer why aren't you at school"

"Oh sorry to worry you i kinda passed out didn't get much sleep tonight" i lied

"Oh sorry are me you and jared still hanging out today"

"Yeah my adress is 1776 washington heights street (not a real address)"

"Ok i gotta go fast see ya"

"Ok bye"

~time skip~

I hear the doorbell and run downstairs


"Jer what the fern"

I chuckle and open the door


"Ohh this house smells-"

"Don't you dare jared"

"Like my bathbombs!!"

"Oh my god i apoligize well anyway what you wanna do"

"Follow me"

And i run upstairs them following

" yall wanna play video games?" I ask the couple

"Sure" jared shrugs

"Ok you two can take the bean bags I'll take the bed"

I haven't been in my bean bag since Jeremy got the squip

I hold my "player 1" controller and they use the spares

"Whos the player two controller for"

"Um for jeremy"


"Jare i swear to god"

"Hold on i gotta use the restroom you guys can try the two-player version"

I clean up the razor blade and clean the blood off the floor and wipe the tears coming down

Just saying jermeys name aloud hurts i flush to make them think i acctualy had to and wash my hands

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