memes just memes

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I wake up to the light shinning in my eyes i sigh it was only a dream jermey  teleported ti christines

Suddenly jermey comes out of the closet and jumps on me


I laugh thank god it wasn't a dream

"Good morning" i grumble

"Awww lighten up babe"

I blush feriously he just giggles and kisses me on the cheek we go downstairs to make some waffles

He gets out the waffle maker and plugs it in i grab some milk out of the fridge for us but realize someone has finished gosh dangit mom if you're going to use it in your coffee throw away the empty carton

"We have no milk what else you want"

Jermey points at me and screams


I can't help but laugh at his adorableness

"Ok but for real what do you want"

"Hmmm lemonade"

"Ok weirdo i grab us both a cup and pour some lemonade"

I hand him his cup

"Well when life gives you lemons" jermey says

"Jermey i swear to god"


I burry my face in my hands with a smile on my face i put the waffles on plates and we sit down to eat

~time skip~

Jermey you gotta help me with the dishes

"But whyyyy its only two plates two cups and two forks"

"Becaauuseee your under my roof babe"

He walks over like the fucking king of england and poors the soap "fancyly" on the sponge

I just roll my eyes i grab some soap foam and blow it in his face


He boops my nose with soap foam

We finish the dishes and i throw a sponge at his face


He chases me with a sponge soaked in water i run outside and hide behind some trash cans i see him run into the back yard checking his surroundings

I jump out from the trash cans and spray him with the soapy water from my sponge


"Why so sad"

I start laughing so much i fall onto the grass he then soaks me with his sponge


"Whos sad now"

"Not me bitch"

He gasps "i am not a female dog"

"Yeah female dog's aren't as cute as you are"

He goes red and i peck him on the lips and i grab his hand

"Cmon dork"


I put my hand over his mouth before he can finish his sentance he licks my hand


I say wiping my hand with my sponge

Suddenly i see jared in my yard holding evans hand "kinky~"

"How long have you been heere" we say in sync

"I got the whole thing on recording"

"WHAT THE FUCK RICHARD" jermey screams

"JERMEY ENOUGH WITH THE VINES" i say in between laughs

"Y'all wanna play aotd upstairs i got exactly 4 controllers and it should be easier to finish level 10 with 4 people"

"Le gasp you finished level 9 with moui"

"Yes jermey yes i did but jared and evan came over"

He crosses his arms and grabs my hand and takes me upstairs me and jermey set up the game we are sitiing in our bean bags and figured evan and jared could take the bed

They finally come into the room

"Jesus what took so long did you guys fuck on my couch" i say

"WHAT NO" evan says flushed

Jared just laughs at him and grabs his controller


"HELL YEAH" everyone screams except evan screams


We start the game

"So i heard you werw hanging out with christine yesterday" i say

"Michael its not what you think"

"I won't hesitate squip" and i shoit jermey and he dies


"Whoops i say shrugging"

"Ok we can acctualy try to play this time quit glaring at me" i say

~time skip~

We finally beat level 10 and we celebrate by stumbling to songs from musicals

"Hey you guys want to stay over" i ask all of them

They all nod their heads and jared and evan go to other rooms to call their parents

Jermey didn't even need to call his dad since my houe was like his second home 

"Our parents said we could stay over" they say coming back

"Ok i have a spare mattress in the closet you guys can take it me and jermey will be sleeping in my bed"


"SHUT UP HEATHER" jermey screams

"sorry heather"jared says

Jared gets the mattres and lays it on the floor i get blankets out of the closet and as soon as i exit my boyfriedn screams


I swear to god hes high or something i give evan and jared the blankets and lay down beside jermey i look over to see jared and evan spooning

I take a picture and jermey just laughs

"Send that to me"

"Will do"

With that jermey falls asleep his head on my chest i hug him closer and eventually drift off

850 words

Im not to proud of this mainly because ussualy my chapters are longer but i hope this was good if you have any requests please tell me i might make a one shots book
                                                             Sincerly me

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