i love you too

347 10 29



I reach over and hit the x on my phone to silent it i get out of bed find a shirt and some jeans and just throw them on

I go into the bathroom and brush my hair for like 2 seconds and brush my teeth


Player1❤😘: do you wanna ride

Player2💞: yeah

P1❤😘: ok im outside

I run down the stairs and dash out the door to my boyfriend i hop into his pt cruiser

We are 30 minutes early and our school is a 5 minute drive so we decide to stay inside the car for a little bit

"Hey michael?"


"I love you too"

I see him go a deep red and i laugh and kiss him the kiss was short and sweet i lay my head on his shoulder

"Mahal kita" i say

"Mahal din kita"

I turn on Miranda music and we just sit and enjoy each other presance i look at him and study his features

His glasses lay peacefully on the bridge of his nose and he has a sparkle in his eyes when certain lyrics are sung

Hes tapping his fingers to the beat of the song "gums and chips" while humming


He turns to me

"Enjoying the view"

Now im the one thats blushing madly

"Aw your so cute" and he boops my nose

I check the time


"We better go now" i say

He looks at the time on his phone

"Shit yeah we should thanks"

And we drive off

~time skip~

We go to school hand in hand we get some looks mainly happy damn did that much people ship us

We depart to get our books and i see evan at jareds locker

"Aren't thease pencils so cute"

"Thats gay"

"Jared we have been dating for 4 months"

I laugh me and michael have our first class together i run over to him grab his hand and go into the classroom

We take our seats and the teacher is saying some shit i basically zone her out at this point untill she says

"Jared could you please read this"

"No i can not whats up im jared im 19 and i never fucking learned how to read"

"1 your 18 2 language 3 enough with the vines and just read it"

He groans

"Arkansas what do you mean arkansas why is it pronounced ARE-KEN-SAW if its spelled are-kansas America explain"

Mrs geen just rolls her eyes and calls on connor

I zone out the rest of the class

~time skip~

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