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It was Brookies birthday her 18th birthday i was going to make this birthday the best day of her life hang out and then her party is at 7:00

I know i will never be blessed to have her as my soulmate so i will try my best to make her happy so i can remember one more happy moment before i get replaced with the lucky girl

Shes offically 18 at 12:51

Coco💕🍧: hey brookie do you wanna hang before your partay

Brookiecookie💖🍨: yeah sure im outside get in my jeep 

I run down the tons of flights of stairs in my huge thick ass house sometimes I wish it wasn't so huge I don't even need this extravagant house my parents have a huge room and we own two guest rooms its crazy and even though ive lived here for years I still get lost

I run over like a hyper puppy excited to see my crush

"get in loser we are going shoping"

I look at her and laugh lightly first stop is pinkberry of course I see this as a date but brooke being the oblivious cutie she is she has no idea about my huge crush on her for years I dated other people for a cover up

I even pretended to be mad at jake I was never mad at him I just wanted to get over brooke it never worked and then she was in a relationship with jermey and I got jealous my mind told me to be jealous of brooke having jermey that im straight

but im not I love brooke I was never jealous of her having jermey I was jealous of him having brooke I was scared of her leaving me and them being soulmates getting married and be happy

after the squip incident she came out as lebian and I was the happiest girl alive because I thought I had a chance then my heart sunk because I knew the universe wouldn't be happy with my actions and the way ive treated people especially brooke

I don't deserve her to be my soulmate and I know its going to be some random girl that we won't know she will fall in love with her while im alone and I pretend to be ok at the wedding and-

"coco are you ok?" brooke asked concerned

"we have been parked heere for 5 minutes and you have been gazing into space and you look hurt im worried"

"im ok brookie please don't worry"

I get out of her jeep and get tackled by a hug from brooke

"I don't know what your thoughts are right now but I will always be heere"

"thank you brooke" I smile warmly she grabs my hand and we run into pinkberry I see jermey and Michael at a table talking they are the perfect couple I frown remembering what I did at the party and how it affected jermey and brooke

~time skip~

me and brooke sit down with our pinkberry frozen yogurt we talk abou the things that we will do when we get out of school and our favorite bands saying classic mean girls quotes and laughing like we are high

I look over to Michael and jermey staring at us and I see Michael hand jermey a 10 dollar bill I give them that what the fuck are you doing and why are you looking at me look they just laugh crazily wich makes me even more confused

I turn to brooke and she looks just as confused as me I shrug and finish my pinkberry we throw away our empty cups i fight the urge to kiss her cheek and tell her how cute she looks right now shes skipping happily with a  cute smile plastered on her pure face

instead I hug her side and lean onto her she just smiles at me and we pull away walking to her jeep

~time skip~

its just what we do Boyf Riends (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now