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Pansy Parkinson went down to the Great Hall for breakfast earlier than her usual routine for the past years. Of course, she still holds her head high, clearly oblivious to what Daphne and Amelia Quilt- another Slytherin girl who walks with her-are talking about. Pansy enjoys public attention, and this is what she lives for.

Naturally, not all attention are pleasant, especially those who are coming from the Gryffindors. The Hufflepuffs are also cautious when interacting with Slytherins, in fact, as much as possible, they avoid unnecessary interactions with the latter. But they don't mind though; for example, Pansy could only roll her eyes with the fact. It is important to note that not all of them are naturally mean though, but because that's what the other students think, they started living to the stereotype to mock them.

It was not long after Draco, Crabbe, Zabini and Goyle joined them in breakfast, did Snape started distributing their class schedules. Pansy passed a total of six O.W.Ls, which includes Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Arithmancy and, to her surprise, History of Magic. She has to blink several times at her parchment to make sure that it's real.

"I thought I misread it when the O.W.Ls came," she mumbled to herself. Snape sneered behind her as he prepares Draco's schedule with his wand. "Well, I must say I thought the same way, too."

Pansy looked at Snape disbelievingly. Millicent tried to surpass a laugh but failed. "I'm sorry, Professor?" she asked, although she heard him clearly.

"Just chaffing, Parkinson, are you not used in being treated that way?" Pansy was sure she saw Snape's dark eyes dart to Draco for a split second after saying that. "Anyway, I think you are unfortunate because as far as I know Ms. Granger passed all of those subjects. That means more encounter between you two, Ms. Parkinson."

If Snape is trying to ruin her morning, then he suceeded. She looked down on her toast in disgust. The last thing she wants is to be with Hermione in all subjects of the year.

Draco looks more repugnant than Pansy herself for some reason. He almost snatched his schedule from Snape, drank his pumpkin juice, before leaving the table immediately. Crabbe and Goyle followed him soon after they got hold of their schedules. To Millicent's surprise, Pansy did not do the same. She's too preoccupied with her thoughts that Daphne has to nudge her to pull her out of it. "Pansy, I'm going to Potions, seventh year. Draco already left with Crabbe and Goyle, if you didn't notice. See you later," she whispered hastily before leaving.

Pansy merely nodded in response and resumed her brooding. All subjects with Granger? Pansy felt sick at the thought that she could've been following her all these years. If I throw her a stick, would she leave me alone?! she whispered lividly to herself.

Soon, it was only Blaise and her who was left in the table and it took her a while before she noticed it. "Vacant period as well?" she asked, abandoning her thoughts for a moment. Blaise shook his head as he finished his toast. "Not really, have to go to that filthy Magical Creatures subject."

Pansy was surprised to hear that from her friend. "You took that lame subject?"

"I passed it-surprisingly, and Professor Snape made me take it."

"But you're already late," said Pansy. Blaise only gave her a sneer. "I know, but do I look like someone who cares?" He looked down at Pansy's empty plate then stood up, looking a bit satisfied. "I'm quite sure Draco is staying at the common room. You better go check your boyfriend then. I'll go ahead to my stupid class."

It took a minute before Pansy was able to digest what Blaise told her, but the moment she did, she walked straight to the Slytherin common room. She was surprised to see Draco alone there, with no Crabbe and Goyle tailing behind him.

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