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Dear Artemis,

The school's fine, although there have been 2 students pulled out from our House. Sorry, I don't know anything about the Hufflepuffs, but they won the match against Ravenclaw and Gryffindor this time. They're on lead, and this Saturday, they'd be playing against us. I know you hope them to win but I can't wish the same thing.

I'm fine as well, still surviving class after class. I splinched a finger during Apparition once, and it took three more weeks before I decided to try again. I was successful this time, though. There'd be practice tomorrow Sunday at Hogsmeade and I hope the same good results.

Remember Astoria? Daphne's sister? She got sick and all that, was supposed to be pulled out by her parents but is lucky to persuade them that she should stay. She's really behave now but I still don't like her.

Draco is becoming more sullen and gloomy-looking these days, and I can't tell him or anyone how worried I am. (I can't believe I just told you that?!) The whole House finally understood his situation, but I know they find it hard to withstand the vagueness. He sucks at the last practices and often had a row with Ulysses. I really wish he's back to his old self where adequate attention and drama is enough to cheer him up.

Blaise already knows about his plan, and remained mysteriously quiet about it. I know I'm not supposed to be doubtful about him, but his silence about the matter is freaking me out. He keeps on telling me to stop seeing Draco as well. I know it sounds ridiculous to you but I hope you don't laugh too much because I am actually asking your opinion about this.

I heard there's still no news about father, but I want you to know I'm finally sure that I want to see him again. I want to know who really did that to Prohyas; there were three of them who have their wands pointed at him, and I want to know whose wand killed our uncle.

How's the baby? Tell him/her that his/her gorgeous auntie loves him/her.

Take care always, Artemis.


Pansy watched as Hades flew away from the owlery with her letter tied to his feet. Daphne and Blaise has sent a letter as well, and she motioned to look for Draco's owl, Odin. His letter was rolled neatly in a parchment she's holding in her left hand. He had asked her to take his letter to the owlery where Odin is resting. That's one disadvantage of being in Slytherin; you can't just send a letter in your common room or else your owl would be drowning himself under the Lake.

After a few moments of craning her neck to look for the owl, she finally saw it perched in a high bar, his eyes closed to sleep. "Odin!" she called out. "Odin, come!"

The owl shook his feathers, stared down back at her with his enormous eyes, before swooping down to land at the bar in front of her. Blaise raised his eyebrows at the sight.

"Wow, I never knew you can talk to owls."

Pansy ignored him and proceeded in tying the letter to Odin's feet instead. There are a couple of times when Odin nipped her hand rudely to which she responded with a glare and an annoyed click of her tongue.

After she finally managed to tie it, Odin flew away hastily from their sight. "That owl is as rude as his owner," said Pansy. Daphne giggled and Blaise sniggered as they descend from the owlery to return to the common room.

"But you know what, if I were you, I could've read that letter," said Blaise as they walk their way in the dungeons.

"I couldn't really care less about his message," said Pansy, smiling incredulously. "And I respect other people's privacy."

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