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"Daphne won't be coming home for the holidays?"

"Yeah. You've asked it for the third time already, Blaise," Pansy replied, her eyes focused on the latest copy of the Daily Prophet. She sits beside Draco and across Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle in their compartment at Hogwarts Express.

"But why now? People are being murdered everyday-"

"Outside, but not in Hogwarts," said Crabbe, trying to sound as if he's said something good. But Blaise looked at him as if it's something stupid.

"There are attempts for the Headmaster's life in case you didn't-"

"Oh, let's stop talking about depressive things," said Pansy, glancing consciously at Draco who sits beside her. "Here, look at this. Is there someone in our House who's surname is Holyward?" asked Pansy as she streched out the paper in their table, pointing her forefinger to a specific column.

"I don't know," replied Blaise.

"He's a fourth year," said Draco, speaking for the first time since they left. "I know him. He's a family friend."

"A family friend?" repeat Pansy disbelievingly. "But it says here his parents are abducted?"

"They claim to support the Dark Lord, they're just given the opportunity to prove it," replied Draco coldly. Pansy returned her gaze to the paper, looking troubled.

A soft knock was heard and Robinson Vailey's tall figure stood outside their compartment's door. It was Goyle who opened it for him.

"The Head Girl wants to summon all the House's prefects. Maybe you'd like to come over," he said, bearing the same, blank expression. It was Draco who answered first, "No. I'm not interested."

Robin shifted his gaze unto Pansy, who heaved an exaggerated sigh before speaking, "Fine. I'll go."

"Okay." Robin looked at her other companions and gave a slight smile. "Sorry for the intrusion. And thank you for your time."

Pansy left their compartment with Robin and they strided carefully in the aisle towards the Prefect's Compartment. It was Robin who walked ahead of her.

"You got your badge?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's in my pocket," Pansy replied.

"Good. Wear it for a while."

As soon as they reached the Prefect's Compartment, Pansy instantly regrets coming with Robin. The compartment is the largest among the others, and in it sat the six prefects of the three Houses; Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. A lone Slytherin boy sulks in one corner, and Pansy immediately recognized him as Norman Enriquez. The Ravenclaw Head Boy and the Hufflepuff Head Girl sat across each other, between each of the two Houses. But only one person made her regret her decision to come; Hermione Granger.

Pansy sat beside the sulking Norman and Robin was the last one to enter. He was just about to shut the door when Pansy spoke, "Keep it open, Vailey. The atmosphere stinks, and in case everyone fails to notice, a mudblood is here."

"Come on, now Parkinson-and sit down, Weasley!" The Head Boy scowled at her, before forcing Ron Weasley back in his seat before he could even get into Pansy. Robin, on the other hand, still shut the door and sat beside her with a neutral expression.

"We can start now so the Slytherins can leave sooner. Just tell them what they need to do, then let them out."

Pansy knows she'd heard that thing before, and she's right; it came from Anthony Goldstein of Ravenclaw. He stared at her with, 'acceptance of facts' written all over his face. She rolled her eyes on him.

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