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Saturday came, the day for the opening Quidditch match of the season. The day before on their last day of practice, most of the Slytherins are in outrage, for their best Chaser Robinson Vailey, got badly hit by a Bludger on the head and is too sore to play. Urquhart initially thought of choosing Millicent as a replacement, but Pansy insisted that she's too thick that her Cleansweep Eleven would break at the first five minutes of the game. Naturally, they got into a fight, and because of the commotion, Urquhart realized that Millicent lacks discipline to play, and chose Flora to take Vailey's place instead.

And so early this Saturday morning, the Slytherin common room is packed with students dressed in emerald and silver robes, some of them had their faces painted with the same color, Norman was carrying a huge tapestry with a "Snakes would slay" with Blaise's drawing of a snake underneath. It is bewitched, however, to change into "Gryffs can grief" after seconds with the snake now devouring a lion's head below it.

Urquhart ang his team had risen early to discuss their tactics and to rehearse the new player, Flora for the last minute. Pansy, with the help of her friend, Daphne, has charmed her hair to have streaks of emerald color. She walked with her gang heads up and hissed at every Gryffindor they met on their way to breakfast.

Daphne and the other Slytherin girls crowded around her, striding gleefully. They have silver and emerald scarves around their necks, and some of them even wore emerald lipsticks.

"This may be the worst team we had in years," Daphne whispered to Pansy as they enter the Great Hall. "Yes, maybe," replied Pansy with a shrug. "But we don't have to show it to them, do we?"

The girls gave high-pitched giggles; Daphne joined the laugh. "You can't be wrong, though," she said.

They soon came across Potter, Weasley and Granger who sat together at the Gryffindor table. Pansy stopped walking at once, taking advantage of Weasley's dreadful image.

"Oh, look at you, Weasley. I'll be counting the minutes before you passed out in your Cleansweep Six. And I know it would be less than five."

Granger stood up from her seat and scowled at her. "Oh, will you mind your own business?" she snapped.

It is just one of those rare moments that Granger chose to get back at her, and Pansy welcomed the surprise blissfully. "Stop gritting your teeth, mudblood, you don't have to show it off -I can clearly see them from my seat."

"What's your boyfriend doing in the hospital, anyway? Trying to grow another arm that could catch the Snitch for him?" It was Harry who spoke this time, and before she could even argue, Madam Hooch bustled between them.

"There, there, Ms. Parkinson-save your energy for the match. You might as well use your voice into something worthwhile like cheering for your team later." She had turned her back on Pansy who gaped in astonishment. "And as for you, Mr. Potter-on the field after two hours. Better give your teammates some time to prepare after breakfast."

It was Daphne who dragged Pansy away from the Gryffindor table after the professor left them. "Hey, come on, Blaise's here!" she whispered.

Indeed, Blaise is already sitting at the Slytherin table along with the other Quidditch players. Pansy and her gang took their own seats; she sat beside Daphne; directly in front of Blaise.

"We just came from the hospital wing. Vailey's still unconscious and Draco still refuses to talk to us," said Blaise with a sigh. "Madam Pompfrey said he could finally be discharged tomorrow, though." He gave a grimace and ate his toast. "Are you really sure he's alright?"

"Of course," Pansy replied abruptly. She paused when she noticed Ginny Weasley pass by their table, and waited till she's out of earshot before she continued, "He must've probably felt bad because he wouldn't be able to play."

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