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Pansy isn't someone who would spent multiple hours crying, so she stopped after an hour and wiped her tears. Diana waited for her patiently as she narrates the problem between hiccups and sniffs; and smiled warmly once she ceased crying. "There, there-that's my girl," she whispered, and Pansy looked up to her once again and returned the smile.

Diana has long and curly chestnut hair that extends up to her elbows. Aside from her hair and her eyes, she looks exactly like Pansy; people often says that among her four daughters, it is Pansy who has the closest resemblance to her, although it is clearly Artemis who was named after the Greek counterpart of her name.

"I will go to Perseus now to talk to him about your friend, Daphne," she said after moments, rising from her chair in the portrait and preparing to leave. "I'll be back after moments, sweetie," she said before disappering into the other side of the frame.

Pansy went down almost at once and opened her wardrobe to chang her clothes, before facing her full-length mirror to fix her hair and retouched her make up. She'd make sure that when Diana comes back, no traces of tears and distress would be left.

Pansy's room is as large as their room in their dormitory at Hogwarts; the only difference is that she had it all by herself unlike in school where she got to share it with three other people. Her bed is also not a four posters; it's simple; white, and queen-sized. Above it hung the portrait of her mother who is now empty aside from the chair where she used to sit on and half of the replica of the grand piano.

On the left side of her bed stood the full-length mirror with a golden frame, and her huge wardrobe stood quietly in a far end corner. In front of the bed stood a small fireplace made of marble. And on its right side is a tea table with four chairs. It is situated near the door, and that's where her visitors would sit down and have tea with her. On the left side of the fireplace in a far end corner is a tall bookshelf which is packed with books that Pansy hasn't read at all. A small wooden table and two chairs can also be found there.

Across it, just at the right side of her bed, was a grand piano. It looks gloomy as its surface is being illuminated by the moon's rays, that passes through the glass door that leads to a small balcony outside. The night breeze is making the long curtains sway.

Her ceiling is also high, though not as high as the ballroom. A lone chandelier also hung at the center, and the ceiling is decorated with painted branches against a royal blue background. Overall her room looks very pleasing, but Pansy felt she got used in the dark aura of their common room to mind opening the lights.

Pansy approached the piano and sat to play it. Her fingers danced gracefully to the ivory keys to the tune of The Ballad of Helena Ravenclaw. Her mother came from that House, and loves to hear Pansy play the ballad whenever she listens from her portrait.

"Oh, I missed hearing that song."

Pansy stopped playing at once and glanced at Diana's portrait. She was sitting and smiling once again at her.

"But you can play it, don't you, mom?" asked Pansy while gesturing to the piano painted in her portrait. Diana glanced at it briefly before shaking her head, "It's different when it comes from you," she answered.

Pansy felt her heart swell as Diana stares at her intently.

"I really missed you, Pansy," she said after moments. "If only I could hug you-I am so happy you're hear dor Christmas after years."

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