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Almost a week before Slughorn's party, Draco claims to be well now, and Pansy now spends a generous amount of time with him by dragging him into the Great Hall three times a day.

"I said I lost my appetite!" Draco's screaming at the top of his lungs that his veins on his neck are all showing up. "I-don't want-to-eat! Crabbe, Goyle-take her bloody arms off me!"

But Crabbe and Goyle are busy pigging on the foods Pansy have given to them. Draco looked scandalized at the sight of it.

"How dare you-"

Pansy finally lets him go when she noticed that there are students who are staring at them. "Look, Draco you need to eat-"

"Stop bossing me around, Pansy!"

Pansy opened her mouth to argue when her eyes fell upon the onlookers. She closed it and gave them a threatening glare, and continued when they hurried off to their errands, "Just because you're so busy being the Dark Lord's favorite, it doesn't mean you have to starve yourself. It will look suspicious-!" Pansy raised her voice a little to overcome Draco's protests, then proceeded in a low voice afterwards, "-if you are not usually seen here in the castle just like the other students-you must at least try to act like you're not planning to murder anybody, alright?"

And so Draco appears at the Great Hall three times a day in meals, attends his classes daily, and spends some quality time in the common room with Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, Daphne and Blaise-acting normally as he can. Sometimes Urquhart would sit beside him to discuss about Quidditch and their next game with Ravenclaw, but Draco would usually respond with lesser enthusiasm than he used to. Nevertheless, he stood with his promise that he'd play for the next match.

Transfiguration classes now involves human transfiguration, and because Pansy was already taught by Daphne how to change her hair color for the last match, she had no difficulty in changing the colors of her eyebrows to yellow. Pansy received ten points from Professor McGonagall as a recognition, and she sneered at Ron Weasley when she saw that instead of turning them yellow, Weasley has made his eyebrows disappear.

Blaise was still dismal about the Quidditch match; still blaming himself for their defeat. Pansy, who thought of a good way to cheer him up on his birthday, knew at once that she succeeded in her mission, for she was almost knocked over when Blaise threw himself to her when he came running downstairs from the boys' dormitories on the day of his birthday.

"I love you, Pansy!" exclaimed Blaise happily on her ear as he squeezed her tight.

The students in the common room, however, only paid attention to what he is holding. "Woah, is that a Firebolt Extreme?" a student blurted out from his chair.

"It's the fastest model yet!" cried another.

"That is way faster than Potter's Firebolt!" yelled a fifth year excitedly.

When Blaise finally let go of her, she gulped lungfuls of air and smiled humbly to her best friend. "Stop blaming yourself for the last match, okay?" she said, panting.

"I will! I will! Blimey, I don't know how to thank you enough, Pansy!"

Norman, who just came down from their bedroom, rushed downstairs upon hearing the noise and stared at the broomstick, awestruck. He managed to speak after a few seconds, "¡Qué chido! Go ahead, Blaise-try it!"

Blaise looked at Norman, then his broomstick, then Pansy. Before Pansy could even comprehend his actions, Blaise grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to the stone door, before striding outside the castle. Several Slytherins have followed them; some are excited to see how fast the Firebolt Extreme could go, some are envious but hates to admit it themselves and some like Millicent just likes to grab the opportunity to gossip. "She gave Blaise an expensive broomstick! And Draco is her boyfriend!" she cried exasperatedly at the fifth year beside her.

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