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Weeks passed by quickly and it is characterized by plenty of schoolworks and drama in the Slytherin House. Ulysses was back again in his Quidditch Captain mode for their next match against Hufflepuff, who would be playing 3 times in a row this year. The last time they experienced doing that, Ulysses got so distressed as it happened along with their desperate pursuit of the Dumbledore's Army in the Inquisitorial Squad. The Hufflepuffs would be playing consecutively against Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin respectively. And although they're the last opponent, Ulysses is already stressing himself out even though the Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw game still hasn't started.

"We're on lead now, and one game could do so much difference than we thought it could be!" he exclaimed as he punctured another hole in his essay because of dotting his letters ferociously. "And the pitch is always fully-booked by those Puffs! I can't believe it!"

"Shut up, Ulysses, I'm trying to review!" cried Blaise as he buries himself into his Potions book. "If you really want to book the pitch first next week-better camp outside Madam Hooch's office."

Pansy is sitting quietly beside him practicing the nonverbal Orchideous spell. Robinson Vailey has just entered the stone door and glanced at Pansy with a nod when she looked at him. He had already assured that he finished rehearsing her classmates about Draco's situation, and chose to do the task so it would not appear bias if ever it came from Pansy, who, aside from Draco, is the sixth year prefect. Norman Enriquez also assured her that he's done on Hornbeam, and that the latter has already promised to shut his mouth. "Ay, I assure you he will keep his promise, señora," said Norman when Pansy expressed some doubts on his classmate. "I told him Vailey would be angry, and he's quite afraid of him, see? They're cousins in some way, and he does not want señor Vailey to report his unimpressive grades to his mamá."

Draco has come down from the boys' dormitories, so Pansy got up from her seat to gather her things. She turned her head abruptly to Blaise and nudged him on the shoulder. "Let's go now. We'll be late for Potions."

Blaise sighed exaggeratedly before stuffing his book into his satchel. With an expression of distaste, he followed Pansy who walked with Draco outside the common room. Draco was quiet the whole journey to Slughorn's classroom, and so is Blaise. Pansy knows why; Draco is still brooding about his failing plans and Ron Weasley's almost-death while Blaise is
feeling the same thing she felt the first time she knew about Draco's secret; painfully torn between guilt and friendship.

Because of Draco's request, and Astoria's health situation, they decided not to tell Daphne about it when they visited her sister at the hospital wing. Daphne's parents are considering to pull Astoria out of the school because of her poor health, but Astoria herself does not want to. Their family is still arranging this matter with the Headmaster and Pansy wouldn't want to give Daphne any more trouble to mull over, to which Draco and Blaise second-handed.

And so despite the awkwardness brought by staying with Draco and Blaise or even walking between them-like what she's currently doing, she still chose to be there with them. She was alone when she suffered from that kind of crisis-being torn between your own conscience and what needs to be done-and she have no plans of letting her friends experience the same way.

Nevertheless, Pansy lets them to be alone with their thoughts most of the time, but always makes sure she would be there in case they need her. And so she remained quiet as they walk their way into the corridor, until they came across a group of student blocking the way. It was a third year Slytherin that Pansy is not familiar of, and it appears that she bumped into the two Ravenclaws in front of her, causing the two to drop their books.

"Watch where you're going, mudblood!" the tall, dark Ravenclaw exclaimed as he motioned to pick up his things. Pansy felt her pressure rise enough for her veins to pulse viciously in her temple as she strided towards their direction. The Ravenclaws are already walking away when she reached the third year.

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