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The next Quidditch match is scheduled for the last week of January, and the Slytherins are more than determined to win the match against Ravenclaw and hold practices even in the cold, snowy weather. Ulysses Urquhart was so enthusiastic about having his original team back; with Robinson Vailey as Chaser and Draco Malfoy as Seeker that he once argued with Snape at his office when the latter forbid him one time to practice his team due to the bad weather. He left the room with a scheduled detention with Filch after dinner.

Nevertheless, the rest of the scheduled practice went smoothly, and Ulysses was still in awe for the Siberian Arrow's performance. Draco was able to catch the Snitch as early as half an hour, and Blaise Zabini's Firebolt Extreme also proved to be spectacular. Pansy sometimes skip watching their practice with an excuse of doing homeworks, refusing to explain that she feels unexplainably bad whenever she sees Draco riding the broomstick that Prohyas bought due to constant nightmares about his death. As a matter of fact, she does not like to admit it to herself, either.

Most of the time when she's alone in the dormitories and her classmates are watching the practice, she writes or reads Artemis's letters. Artemis said that Michael agreed to take over Brewski Bazaar for the mean time while she's pregnant, and that she had a fun time rehearsing him about wizard money. Farrin, their family friend and bartender, was more than happy to assist him—but that's what Artemis said. Pansy could bet the Siberian Arrow that Farrin is feeling the opposite.

There was a time, however, when she had just finished sending her letter to Artemis through Hades, that Ulysses came storming into the common room to drag her forcefully outside.

"What the devil are you doing, Ulysses—LET ME GO!"

"NO!" he bellowed furiously. "You're coming with me—and you will watch the practice!"

Pansy struggled to free herself from his grip but failed. "And—why—is—that?!"

"Because—" Ulysses grunted in annoyance when he almost got knocked out because of Pansy's struggles. "Lack of support is a crime in our House, Parkinson!"

"I will watch the match next week!" she cried. "Stop accusing me of having a ‘lack of support’ or you really take pleasure in serving another detention tonight?"

The students who are spending quality time at the grounds playing with snow stopped and bustled out of their way, staring at them indignantly. The two, on the other hand, are oblivious that they're already making a scene.

"I never thought you'd like to do your duties with me, Pansy—but no thanks," replied Ulysses, who finally let her go once they're on the Quidditch pitch. Daphne ran into her direction gleefully, but she's too angry to return the energy.

"We got perfect attendance of those who are free now for the last practice, so let's get this bread, Snakes!" shouted Ulysses as he mounts his broom before zooming into the air.

"That's cheesy, Urquhart! It does not suit you!" yelled Pansy, which earned a series of laughter from the crowd. Ulysses looked at her and showed her a rude hand gesture which she returned with a smile.

Robin zoomed into the air and Pansy noticed he was the last one to do so. Following the direction from where he came, Pansy saw Leanne, the Gryffindor girlfriend of Robin. She rolled her eyes at the sight wildly before facing the front with her arms crossed.

"Go, Draco!" cheered Millicent Bulstrode from the far end of the stand, and Daphne giggled at her side. "Did you hear that Daphne?" Pansy shrieked loud enough to ensure that Millicent would hear her. "How hopeless!"

During breaks or even in meals, Daphne and Blaise would put their heads together while reading the lates copy of the Daily Prophet. Pansy would usually wait for them to finish, not daring to take even a peek, and would smile whenever they'd tell her what they read. "Still no news for your father," Daphne would say dismally. "I'm very sorry, Pansy."

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