returning memories

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They were running as fast as they could all 6 of them down the never ending corridor towards the door Thomas, Newt, Minho, Gally,  Fry and Brenda had spent the last two years looking for ever since WCKD fell. Through this door was all the answers to there past, where they could retrieve there memories.

Thomas was scared, he normally was these days, he had spent the last three years longing for his memories and they were finally there just through that door.

Minho stopped abruptly as everyone else paused. Faint screaming was coming out of every direction and they heard a mass of running footsteps pile towards them.

"CRANKS" yelled Brenda as they all ran for there lives for there past lives as they were coming out of every direction soon enough they would block the way to the doors and no-one could let that happen.

Ever since they had all decided to leave the safe haven to try figure out who they were in there lives before WCKD had taken them, they found the whole of planet Earth covered in cranks in all of two years they had only met 10 people who weren't infected and they had all become vicious resulting to all means to keep themselves alive, even mass murder.

Thomas turned to his left to see his best friend newt and minho who turned to smile at him they were finally here this moment where they could find out what really happened. Thomas was nervous to find out his past, what if he was a truly horrible person, a murderer and that's why WCKD took him because he didn't deserve living. or maybe he was a person worth living and he had school and parents and a normal life.

Thomas wasn't paying attention, he didn't see it until it was to late, a crank caught up with him and pulled Newt to the ground. No, they were literally right outside the door things couldn't go wrong now. He quickly grabbed his gun and looked up to see Newt being dragged into a crowd of about 100 cranks

"NO" he screamed trying to run into the crowd but felt hard hands on his back pushing him through the door

"its to late Thomas" Brenda said quietly in his ears, as he fell through the frame of the door


"a dead body"

"no a body of water"

"yes a dead body dumb ass"

his memories came flooding back to him. his name wasn't Thomas it was stiles, stiles stilinkski, OH and his father and Scott ,Lydia ,malia, Liam and even Derek god how he'd miss them all so much. Stiles laughed out loud and stood up joyfully only then realising where he was.

stiles was in the forest, it was the middle of the night and wind was blowing furiously. This must of triggered another not quite so welcome memory


"hey Scott, your 20 minutes late and i'm freezing, you cant tell someone to come to the forest as its an EmErGeNcY then NOT show up" stiles heard himself say to his best friends voicemail. his past self's phone beeped to show it had ran out of charge "it was on 40% when i left the house, oh-my-god"

"hello stiles" announced a women who Thomas recognised as Ava Paige. the stiles from the past turned around in shock "woah you scared me - there" he said with uncertainty "um do i know you sorry"

"no but soon enough you will"


Thomas's body flooded with anger, the slightest bit of him thought that him and his fellow gladers had somehow deserved what they got been terrible people or something, but he was just a innocent boy waiting for a friend and they just took him. they probably did the exact same to Minho, Fry, Gally and Newt.

Newt, he had forgotten how could have he forgotten all the rush of getting his memories back he forgot that his best fiend was just torn apart by cranks. Thomas fell to the ground, tears were forming in his eyes. he just lay there until sunset thinking, what could he possibly do next, the three years he spent with WCKD changed him there vile game turned him into a murderer and he knew Scott could never understand that. would he feel right meeting his friends and dad again it had only been yesterday when he had no idea any of them existed, it had only been yesterday his was with his friends all excited and happy about us almost being near finding a way out of WCKD never ending game, even after WCKD fell we were all still prawns in the game.

Thomas knew what he had to do, he wasn't stiles stilikinski anymore he had lost that along time ago. he needed to find his friends minho, fry,Gally and Brenda they were all somewhere out here on this planet and he needed them.

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