The sheriffs station

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"S-tiles" he heard a voice say as he still lay there on the forest ground. Stiles looked up to see, a 5ft 3 strawberry blonde girl he remembered too well.
"Lydia"stiles gasped when he felt his eyes water as he stared at her perfect eyes. He had forgot how gorgeous she was and seeing her made him realise how much he loved her.
"Is it really you" asked Lydia half unbelieving what was happening
"It's really me" he stood up and fell into her arms. Both of them just stayed there in each other's arm, neither of them wanting to pull away wishing this moment would just last forever.
"But I don't understand" Lydia stuttered as we both pull away " they found a body, your body, your supposed to be dead"
Stiles knew who was responsible for this it was WCKD again they must of taken him and left a body so that his family and friends lost hope that he could still be alive. They must be responsible they were responsible for everything.
"it was WCKD, I'll explain everything later but first where's my dad"
Lydia led stiles to the edge of the forest where his jeep was waiting "AhA" yelled stiles and ran up to his old rusty jeep and hugged his car and Lydia burst into laughter. It was like him and Lydia had never been apart, at the start he was scared they would have nothing to talk about apart from what had happened to him but they just talked none stop until they were arriving at the sheriff station.
"You ready" Lydia asked stiles
"Not really" he smiled nervously he was meeting his dad again after so long how could he be ready "Lydia before we go in, how did you know where I was in the forest"
Lydia smiled again " I don't really know, I was on my way to get some gas and I guess I just found myself in the forest"
"I had forgot how amazing you are" stiles beamed and Lydia opened the door of the jeep as stiles followed her towards the sheriff station.
The station was busy, he couldn't see his dad anywhere. Some deputies around he gasped some even screamed, parish stood up "stiles?"
A door opened and a man stepped out " what's goin- the man turned to see his son standing in the doorway and he fell to the ground whilst stiles ran towards him "dad" he asked as he embraced his dad. This time no one let go for ages, his dad didn't asked any questions he just stood there holding his no longer dead son.
Once they finally let go you could see them both in tears. "Dad" stiles asked once again.

"Am I dreaming" asked the sheriff looking down to his son whom he had thought left him long ago. "No dad I'm here, I'm not dead I'll explain everything later"

An half hour later all three of them were siting in the sheriffs office, still had wet eyes but they were just happy to be reunited.
" i need to call Scott"stiles said sitting on the comfy sheriff chair as he picked up the phone on the sheriffs desk. Lydia and the sheriff nodded at him, they both expected him to have already called him after all, they had all been sitting in the office for 30mins.

The phone was dialling, a part of him didn't want him to answer, scared to see his best friend again, but his was scared to see his dad again and Lydia and all that fear just melted away.
"Hey, mr stilinski sorry I can't really talk right now is it important" Scott said as soon as he answered the phone, stiles started crying again he had never cried so much again "hello" Scott asked expecting the sheriff to speak.
"S-co-tt" stiles muttered, there was a long pause, as Scott recognised the voice of his dead best friend "stiles, is that really you" Scott asked, stiles must of heard this question a million times again and he knew he was going to hear it a million more times. " yes it's me, please come to the sheriffs station, I really need to see you" stiles pleaded
"But how"asked Scott in shock
" I'll explain later, just please come" stiles said whilst putting the phone back down on the table, knowing his best friend was on his way to see him.

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