Withdrawel symptoms

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Everyone stared at him confused
"Stiles you must be concussed" whispers Lydia
" you died, I mean disappeared 3 months ago"  said Liam gazing at stiles confused " I mean if it had been 3 years wouldn't we have all aged and none of us would still be in school"
"No, no that's not possible" he said whilst staring around looking at each one of them looking like the day he left them, Liam was right none of them had aged a single day "that's not possible" he repeated
All of a sudden pain pierce his head his eyes felt like they were being forced out of his sockets. Excruciating. He was screaming as his friends rushed to his aid. He fell to the floor.

Light stabbed at his eyes as he woke up. The pain had gone but he was feeling extremely uncomfortable he moaned as he sat up to see his dad through the window arguing with a doctor.
Quickly his dad notices stiles was up and ran into the hospital room followed by the doctor
"How are you feeling" asked his dad and the doctor almost at the same time
"Confused" he replied
"Thats normal symptoms for this type of situation" said the doctor
" what situation"asked stiles glaring up at the doctor and his father as they looked over at him
There was a long pause before the doctor finally answered
"Well drugs it appears you have been heavily drugged for the last three months" the doctor calmly answered to stiles
" you think I hallucinated it" stiles said whilst suddenly sitting up "I didn't, it happened I promise it happened I've been gone for three years, it was WCKD they did it they took me they took everyone. They did this not some stupid drug"
Stiles was panting dramatically sweating crazily uncontrollably gasping for air as nurses and doctors quickly ran to his aid and Noah stilinski was quickly hurried from the room and forced to watch desperately through the glass window as they fought to help his son.

"How is he" asked Lydia cautiously as the sheriff walked round the corner to where she and Scott had been sat in pure silence waiting for the news. The sheriff had a single tear in his eye and Lydia got up to hug him.
"They say he's been on drugs, they think he hallucinated it" mutters the sheriff "they say his behaviour is normal for people withdrawing from drugs"
"How long has he been on them" quietly asked Scott looking up at the pair
" they say over a year" stilinski replied
Scott just looked down at his knees, he felt tears coming but he quickly pushed them back and muttered " how did we not notice, how?" He looked up at them and then joined in the hug "I guess we were just to busy" Lydia

One day earlier in New York
He woke up, he was scared where was he
"THOMAS"he yelled calling up for help
Where was he, oh god where is Thomas and the others did they make it through alright or did the cranks get them.
He slowly got up and looked at his surroundings, it was dark, dark and cold and he was pretty sure he was in a alleyway
He used to hang about this alleyway a lot as a kid.........
"wait what" he said to no one "I can remember"
He looked around quickly he could remember everything, everything his family and friends
"AHA" he yelled joyfully " there back there back, omg there back I can remember everything" his name was Elliot him, his sister and parents had moved to New York only the year before he had been taken by WCKD and been given a fake name, a fake everything. But this was him he was home.

rescuing myself (TMR/TW)Where stories live. Discover now