Sharing memories

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stiles thought the ten minutes it took Scott to get to the sheriff station was a lifetime, he was expecting something to go wrong, like his motorbike to crash or he'd be extremely late but no he was there walking into the office, Scott face looked shocked, like he expected this all to be some kind of joke, expected to walk into the office and someone shout April fools. but no, he was there stiles, his dead best friend was standing (clearly alive) right in front of him.

"scott" stiles asked awkwardly wondering if his friend was okay as he was just standing there, staring at him.

"scott are yo-" stiles tried to start again

"your alive" Scott stuttered clearly finding it hard to speak, his hands were shaking

"yeah im alive" mumbled stiles as Scott ran up to him and embraced him with his shaking hands at this moment, Malia, kira, liam and Derek walked into the sheriff office. they all hugged stiles tightly and even Derek's eyes were watering slightly.

an hour passed of them all sitting in the office occasionally hugging each other all very emotional to see the return of stiles. eventually Scott asked the question they were all longing for someone to ask, all apart from stiles of course, he was not looking forward to answer this question he just wished someone else could explain for him, then he thought of a solution a way that someone else could answer this question.

"why don't you look for yourself" stiles said whilst grabbing scotts hand pressing down hard on the middle of his palm so that his claws would appear and quickly pushed them into the back of his neck before Scott could realise what he was doing and retaliate.

he heard cries of "no" as him and Scott fell into a deep trance of his memories


he was in the elevator again, screaming, where was he going, plummeting upwards toward the roof, he thought he was going to collide with the roof but then it opened. he was blinded by light. he shut his eyes tightly to avoid the light and when he opened them again he was surrounded by boys laughing and pointing "day one greenie" said a familar voice, he was so scared, so he ran. Then he was on the floor again. The boys were laughing again.

then he was meeting newt all over again.

"green bean meet newt"said alby whilst we shook each other hand "when i'm not around hes in charge"

"good job your always around then" smiled newt "that was some dash you made earlier for a second i thought you had the chops to be a runner the you face planted"

the he was in the circle with gally he finally remembered his name. Thomas, Thomas

then he was in the maze again, surviving the night with minho, killing a griever

Teresa coming up in the box. she's the last one

the grievers coming through the maze killing alby. he was reliving it again. the whole thing.

they were leaving the glade.

chuck.... dying

then they were being rescued, then they were escaping there rescuers. into the scorch. Winston getting the flare,the cranks, meeting Brenda and Jorge, curing Brenda from the flare, Teresa's betrayal. minho getting captured.

breaking into the city, saving minho, loosing Teresa. getting to the safe haven, leaving to find out the truth, finding the door
Loosing newt.
They both emerge in the sheriffs station gasping for breath, stiles eyes were watering he knew he would relive some terrible things by doing this but he never expected to see newt die all over again.
Everyone was staring at them Scott was still gasping for breath. He was staring at stiles, he had just lived what stiles have gone through for the last three years
"All that happened in three months" Scott asked still out of breath
"Three months" stiles asked questionably "I've been gone for three years"

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