final goodbye's and knew hello's

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his dad opened the door, he could see that his dad had been crying his eyes were red and puffy also purple bags hung low from under his eyes showing that he had not slept for some time. the sheriff eyes lit up when he saw who was standing on his doorstep and quickly wrapped his trembling arms around his son who stood in the light reflected from the moon. 5 minutes later they were sitting on the couch drinking hot cups of coffee the sheriff had made the second they stopped hugging

"when eichen house called me saying people broke you out, i just assumed it was the people who got you in this mess in the first place what do you call the wicked or something"

"wait holdup you believe me" stiles asked shocked looking at his father

"what kind of father would i be if i didn't trust my son when he needed me the most" 

"then you have to understand what i need to do,  i need to find the bastards that did this and i need to make them pay for all the lives they have ruined, all the kids lives"

the sheriff sat down and without saying a word just nodded at his son who smiled in return to embrace his father. after a long embrace and a few tears they both fell asleep on the couch.

a few hours passed when they were both shaken softly awake by scott who had a had a key cut during the time stiles had been missing

"time to go" scott said quietly he once again had not slept he began to fear the dreams he was having, seeing his friends past was one thing but the last dream it was almost as if it told him what to do. before the dream he had no intention of breaking the law especially that he thought the law was helping his best friend but then ever since the dream it was the only thing on his mind. he tried to ignore it but the thought just clawed at his brain nonstop until it was almost unbearable.

stiles and his dad said their final goodbyes "promise you'll be safe and come back in one piece" the sheriff stated on the verge of tears "i promise" said stiles barely believing he was leaving his father again.

after the final goodbyes scott and stiles were heading to meet the others in the old run down jeep.


they had been driving all night, newt wasn't prepared to sleep when he finally knew his best friend was one, real two, alive and three, about ten hours away from him. he had been smiling the whole ten hours they had been in the car mainly because he was going to be seeing his best friend who had gone through all the crap he had been through and a little bit because his sister had been snoring loudly the whole trip which admittedly he was finding a bit annoying now as he hit her hard in the arm

"ow!" lily yelled " i would hit you back but considering your driving is bad enough without a concussion, i wouldn't wanna risk it for my own safety"

"oh come on how would you even know about my driving you've been asleep for the past ten hours" newt retaliated pushing his blonde curly hair out of his puffy eyes.

"shit have you even slept at all" lily said looking at her brother concerned

"i'm not sure how much you know about driving considering your only 14 but a bit of advice, it's pretty hard to do asleep." newt scoffed which shut lily up for a bit as she crouched in her seat staring out the window "are we there yet" lily spoke in a sing song voice clearly only trying to annoy her brother which was clearly working although he denied it saying he was just to excited to see the boy who was basically his brother again.

"sat nav says ten minutes" newt said as the sun started to rise and the time on the clock read 5:34 am

They had finally arrived in a town called beacon hills, and newt was on the verge of his seat and couldn't help but smile looking at the houses knowing his friend could be in any one of these houses . lily was also on the edge of he seat ecstatic to meet the boy her brother consider as a brother to him.

the town was pretty much empty which was only to be expected from the fact it was 5 in the morning. newt turned around a corner to see a high school lit up by a few street lamps, this was the high school his best friend used to attend, he started to wonder what his social status at school was, huh he's probably a jock or something because he was a great runner. 

he was examining the school imagining tommy sitting at one of the benches or leaning against the huge beacon hills high school laughing with his friends, when he noticed a group of teenagers leaning against a blue jeep

"what are they doing there so early in the morning" lily asked obviously seeing them too 

"i don't know" replied newt staring at the group one member in particular, there was something recognizable about him and just because of that fact, he stopped the car and grabbed a flashlight which lily had brought along 'just incase' and ran out of the car. the light from the flashlight and shon it directly at the group until he found the person he knew was there, then he started laughing which drew the attention of the group, especially the one who the flashlight was directed at, you see he knew that laugh all to well "ho-ly sh-it" said stiles looking at the boy

"TOMMY" yelled newt as the two started to run towards each other.

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