never become a spy, kid

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someone did take account to what the boy now identified as stiles had said what did he mean by 'normal human being' and he emphasis he put on the on human that was just strange. lily was sat in the backseat of a taxi listening in to the conversation being had in the car ahead from the second microphone she had previously bugged her older brother with, well in truth she had bugged him with seven different microphones just incase he found them. better safe then sorry huh lily thought as she took a small device from her bag and stared at the screen off a tracking device

"next right here thanks" she smiled at the man in the front seat who looked weary about the whole situation

"im not entirely sure this is legal" he smiled innocently back

"oh sure it is he's my brother, i'm pretty sure you could murder your brother and it still be classed as legal"

the man decided it was best not to correct her on this information but then again he wasn't sure if he wanted this girl he had known for less then twenty minutes to to think it was legal to kill your brother, for her brothers sake more than anything. he watched her in the mirror place her earphones back in and jott some stuff down in a notepad, he was starting to get extremely suspicious but at least this would be a great story to tell the wife when he got home, if he got home. damn this is some FBI secret service shit right here.

the rest of the car journey  was uneventful, lily just shouted random directions at the cab driver once in a while and soon they found themselves pulling into a gas station. the cab driver noticed only two cars parked ,which also added to his suspicions, one a blue jeep the other a black sporty looking car thingy for a man who spends who spends all day sitting in a car he didn't have a clue about anything about them. the occupants of the car didn't seem to be in the cars, it had seemed the girl in the back of his taxi had noticed this as well so she opened the door.

"thank you so so much" lily beamed cheerfully at the driver as she handed him the money  his brother had borrowed from one of the group. he looked at her even more suspiciously "you want me to leave you here, a gas station in the middle of nowhere" he asked dumbfounded, lily nodded in reply and he slowly drove off just in time to see her climb into the trunk of the blue jeep "well it's not everyday that happens" the driver sang to himself.

meanwhile inside the store the group of teens had no idea about what just went one and who is currently braiding there hair in their trunk. derek and scott were paying for gas, liam was rooting through the candy section, lydia was flicking through a magazine, kira and malia were chatting quietly and newt and thomas stood together talking about there times in the gland.

once there gas had been payed for they all huddled back to there chosen cars and clambered in, all except scott and newt that is. scott put his hand out in front of newt and ushered him to the back of the car "i think this is your job"scott smiled to a bewildered newt as scott opened the trunk. 

curled up in a ball and trying desperately to undo a huge knot in her hair was newt's little sister.

"never become a spy kid" laughed scott as newt face palmed.

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