epic plan

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"what's the plan Tommy" newt grimaced as he closed the door of the blue rustic jeep and fastened his seatbelt, he was not really ready to get down to business yet but he knew and so did Tommy that wckd doesn't wait and every second we waste they steal more and more kids to put them through torture, like they did to him and he wouldn't wish that fate onto anyone but as much as he wanted to help he wanted to ignore it even more. however Tommy was quite the opposite. he was driven by his resent towards the organisation that destroyed him and his friends, thus making him act heroic yet somewhat idiotic.

the car only contained one other person and he was the one driving,sure at first glance this boy seemed like a average teenage boy, dark hair quite tall and pretty good looking but when you examined him further he looked skinny hence suggesting he hadn't had a proper meal in months besides his baggy shirt looked far too big for him but probably fit him perfectly a month ago and dark circles hung below his eyes subsequently meaning he hadn't slept well or even at all for the past couple days. he wasn't sure if Tommy had noticed this about his friend or if maybe this was just normal for this boy yet still Newt couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

"find wckd" he replied to the question bluntly following suit by closing his door as well, Newt was kinda taken aback at first forgetting he had asked the question in the first place as he had been so focused on his thoughts

"oh- yeah i kinda understood that bit shank i mean how are we going to find them also what about Minho brenda and the others"

"i knew i mean know this guy who was in the gland, he escaped like us but he stole one of those machines they used to track the grievers in the maze" he explained throwing his friend in the backseat a small device with the letters WCKD carved into the side. when newt turned the device over he saw a black screen with several green dots displayed on it some were moving others were stationary "holy shit, find the maze find WCKD" Newt whispered not really talking to anyone but then as he placed the device in his pocket as a keep safe his critical look on his face was replaced by a astonishing smile "how've you been Tommy" 

 Tommy took a second to answer and to try get his head around the abrupt topic change "Meh been alright, great to come back i mean seeing my dad and this loser again was amazing but then they shipped me off to a nuthouse when i tried to explain what happened" his story was then rudely interrupted by newts laughter at the mention of the nuthouse his friend was sent too

"oh common it wasn't a nuthouse it was a drug ward that was unfortunately located in a nuthouse" started scott which made newt laugh even more and even Tommy began laughing and soon the three boys were in floods of laughter and to be honest none of them knew why.

it had been so long since any of them had properly laughed Tommy and Newt didn't really have time for that in he gland and the scorch and scott hadn't laughed properly since stiles went missing in the first place, scott was also finding it extremely hard to keep his eyes on the road in a mix of floods and laughter and extreme tiredness so he tried relentlessly to straighten up only letting out a little laugh occasionally. 

"anyway" stiles/Tommy let out through a little laugh "scott here and a couple of other friends broke me out then we left to find wckd. oh yeah and apparently my names stiles"

"your names stiles, thats worse then greenie, that can't be a really name who just gives birth and decides ooo i know this baby looks like a stiles, wait wait wait was your parents like a diehard fan of one direction that happened to think harry was to common so just decided to go with the surname instead" newt said after his second eruption of laughter for the 20 mins they had been in this car after hearing Tommys no no stiles' name.

"shutup" stiles muttered deciding its best not to reveal his real name knowing that would only result in more laughter from his friend.  "so what about you newt" he asked directing the attention away from his unique name and hoping something about his friends past week would make him be the one laughing.

"well me names elliot right, i'm from London but i moved to new york when i was 13, i still haven't told my mum what happened i just told her i needed some space for three months and somehow she believed me, but i told my little sister lily and then we basically hunted you down to beacon hill and hey presto here we are" he smiled clapping his hands together on the 'hey presto'

"im scott by the way since stiles here is just ignoring introductions" said the driver with a voice newt thought could calm any anger.

"yep he's my best friend we've known eachother forever and he's a completely normal HUMAN being" stiles said winking at scott which newt just caught notice of in the mirror he also saw the driver scott mouth the word 'subtle' followed by him rolling his eyes.

Newt was far to tired to take into account what just happened and he lent his head against the vibrating window and soon fell asleep.

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