George Michael

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You come home after being gone for three days:

You have been running around town for a few days now. You were a troubled kid. You still weren't used to the fame. Your father was famous. George Michael was your father. He was a famous singer from the eighties to now. You loved his voice but not the fame. You were only sixteen years old. How were you supposed to deal with the fame? You only learned your father was famous when you realized paparazzi were around the family home all the time. It bothered you since you couldn't do anything. 

You were home schooled because of your father's fear. It was not a bad thing. You liked being home since no one could bother you. Although you never experienced public school your father threatened to send you there as punishment. He never was serious about it but it scared you. You were never allowed to go to public school like he was. It was different for you growing up. You were sheltered. Sheltered all your life. You couldn't help it. Neither could your father. He was just trying to protect you.

You were running on the streets because your father's new found boyfriend hit you. You hated him. Your dad loved him. You had no friends. You were a loner. You knew no one. You were alone and afraid. You had no where to go. No family or friends. Your dad was at a concert. He had no idea what you were doing. Neither did you. You were scared. You had no one to call. 

You were sitting in the park. You were crying on the swing set. You didn't understand why he hit you. You asked him for something to eat and he snapped. Calling you a fat pig who didn't need more food. You hated him. He never stopped belittling you. It bothered you a lot. Your dad was head in heals in love. He never noticed. 

You got frightened when a few cops showed up. It was well after midnight. Your dad wasn't even in town. He might have been back. You didn't know. You were stuck in this park. You were cold, wet, and sicker than a dog. That was your fault though. If you didn't run away you'd be warm at home. You'd be at home if Fadi didn't hit you. You kept telling yourself you'd be okay. You missed Papa. He was in Texas. You thought about moving in with him, but then that meant he'd put you in public school which scared the hell out of you. More than being out here alone.

"Miss Michael please stay where you are. We're not here to hurt you." 

You got frightened. The police were scary. Everyone was scary to you. 

"No! Leave me alone!" 

They looked at you. They weren't going to let you win. 

"We are going to take you home. Your father is worried sick. He wants you back home." 

The nicer lady cop said to you. 

"Daddy's home?" 

You asked. 

"Yup, he called me to come get you." 

You went over to her. 

"Is daddy mad?" 

"No he's just worried. Let's go get you home." 

"Okay. Only if you bring me to home." 

"I promise." 

You gave her this look. 

"Pinkie promise?"

She held out her pinkie finger. You interlocked yours with hers. You finally went with her into her car. 


You arrived at your house. You were scared. He was waiting outside for you. He and Abby. You saw how happy Abby looked. You wanted Abby. 

"I get out now?"

You asked as you undid your seat belt. 

"Hold on sweetie."

She said as she stopped the car. Once she got out she came to your side and opened the door. She let you out. She did however grab your arm. It hurt. You were fragile. 

"Ow, I wanna go see daddy now." 

"Hold on, we're almost there." 

You saw his face light up when you came close. You ran to him. He hugged you. 

"Don't do that to daddy. It scared him." 

You started to cry. 

"Daddy I'm sorry. I didn't wanna be home. I wanted to be with you. I don't like it when you go away." 

He just hugged you as the lady cop came over. 

"Mr. Michael could we speak inside?" 

"Sure, come on in." 

You followed them inside. You were forced into the living room to have a conversation. You didn't wanna talk. You wanted to eat. That wasn't the option given though. 

"So, Miss Leanna, how come you ran away?"

She asked you.

"Cause daddy's boyfriend hit me after daddy left. I don't like him. I wanted a snack before bed and he told me I was a fat pig. That's why I ran away." 

You heard your dad sighing. The officer wasn't too happy either. You were afraid. You didn't know what was going to happen next.

"So Leanna, did you stay with friends while gone?"

"No, I don't got any." 

She seemed surprised. 

"Oh, how come?"

"Cause I get home schooled. I don't got no friends cause people are scary." 

She looked at your father. She was intrigued. 

"Mr. Michael, do you home school her?" 

"Yes I do. I don't want people knowing about me. They might be quick to judge. She's already got problems as it is. I don't need her to be bullied. She gets along with me fine. She likes being home schooled. I think so anyways."

"Okay, do you think it'd be an okay idea for her to be introduced to some new kids her age? We can set her up with a program." 

"I would be okay with it. I don't think she would." 

"Maybe talk it over and give me a call. I'll let you two get settled in for the night." 

Your father walked her to the door and like that she was gone.

He came back in. He looked a bit disappointed. He sat down beside you. 

"Leanna you can't be doing this kind of stuff. You had me worried." 

"I'm sorry daddy. I don't want to make friends." 

"I won't make you sweetie." 

You sighed with relief. You were terrified to make new friends. You didn't know how to make friends. Not even when he took you to the park. The strange kids terrified you. 

"I'm tired." 

"Just lay down sweetie. We'll have a nap." 

You agreed as he covered you up with a blanket. It was warmer than it was outside. You closed your eyes and fell asleep. 

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