Rafael Barba

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You're upset after you have a miscarriage:

Today was just horrible. You were sitting at the doctor's office by yourself. After trying for another baby with Rafi. You two had been trying for three years. After having Emily you couldn't seem to get pregnant. Now after three years you managed to get pregnant. Rafi was just as excited as you were. It wasn't your day today. 

You were waiting to find out how far along you were now, but there was no heartbeat. It broke your heart. You wanted this baby so bad. You felt like you were disappointing not only yourself but your whole family. You knew how much Rafi wanted a boy. Even though you didn't know what the baby was it was still hurting.

"Mrs. Babra, you can go home now. We will take your blood and get some testing done and call you with the results. We advise you wait a few weeks before trying to get pregnant again. We here are sorry this happened." 

You nodded as you grabbed your purse. 

"Thank you. I'll be on standby." 

The nurse lead you out of the room. You tried to stop crying. You had to think of the good things. You had to think of how lucky you were to have Emily and Rafi. Once you were ready you guys would try again. So you had to remind yourself of the positive and go back to work. 

Once you got back to work your coworkers never asked about how it went. They didn't know you were. It wasn't something you told anybody. You were thinking about going home since you couldn't focus, but decided against it. It would only give you more of a reason to dwell on this horrible day. You had to pick up Emily soon, so you decided to focus on that. 

"Maria you can go home now. Mr. Lovell said he didn't need us anymore."

"My name isn't Maria, but thanks. Why what happened?"

"Oh sorry, and his wife had a medical emergency. She was having a baby or something. What is your name by the way? I'm new here."

You knew that and felt bad when you were so rude. 

"My name is Catalina, but you can call be Cat or Cathy. Whichever brings you joy." 

She smiled at you. She seemed like she was nervous. 

"Okay Miss Cathy. I'm Sabrina by the way. I hope to get to know you." 

You smiled.

"Sure, we'll start tomorrow."

She then let you go. You decided you were going to go get Emily. She would make you happy. She always did. She was four years old and just started junior kindergarten in September. She was so excited about it. She picked out her backpack with you and Rafi. It had Pokemon on it. She was the only girl who had Pokemon on her bag. You and Rafi tried convincing her to get something with butterflies on it or Paw Patrol but she insisted she liked Pokemon. You guys just let her pick whatever she wanted. It was a good thing since she might have had a fit.

You pulled up outside of the school around two. You went into the office and stood in front of the reception desk. 

"Hi Mrs. Barba, how are you?"

"I'm alright. I'm here to pick up my daughter Emily Barba. She has a doctor's appointment." 

That was a lie. You just needed to see her happy little smile. 

"Okay we'll call her down."

"Thank you." 

You sat down on the bench that was in the office. You noticed you had a text message from Rafi.

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