Things He Loves About You

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Nick Amaro: Your laugh, your smile, your lips when you smile. He loves the way you laugh when he tells cheesy jokes. They're not even remotely funny but they are to you. He loves the way you dance around the house when you clean. The way you shake your ass when your favourite part comes on. He loves when you cook him his favourite meal or when you just cook in general. He loves it when he comes home to find you in his tee and boxer shorts. He loves the way you solve puzzles on Wheel of Fortune, but laughs when you fail to answer in Jeopardy. He loves your little kisses on his neck you give while attempting to turn him on. What you don't know is he's always turned on around you. You're so beautiful. He loves playing in your long hair. He loves the way you put it up in a messy bun on rainy days. You looked like a college kid going to work but you didn't care. But most of all he loves you for loving him. He always thought he was hard to love but you proved him wrong. 

Sonny Carisi: He loves the way you walk around the apartment with his Fordham Law sweater on. The way it sits on you it makes it look like a dress. He loves the way it covers your ass just enough to leave the bottom of your ass showing. He loves how you don't judge him for wanting to watch The Notebook for the fifth time that week. He loves the way you try cooking dinner the way his mama does. He loves the little notes in his lunch. Reminding him to breathe and to have a good day. The way you bring him surprise lunches or coffee at work always brings him joy. He loves the way you look when you put on your makeup. Although he prefers when you don't wear it he loves the way you look in it. He thinks you're beautiful either way. He loves the way you snuggle close to him when you are having a bad day. Or when he's having a bad day. He loves how you comfort him after a bad case. It always gets to you when you see cases about young kids. He loves the way you eat the ice cream out of the container on days you feel as if you could end it all. But most of all he loves you for always keeping the strength in you to move on when the times are tough. 

Rafael Barba: Your body. Your body is his kryptonite. Your ass, legs, thighs, waist, breasts, everything about it. He could explore it like it was a cave. He loved when you'd let him nestle his head in your neck. He loved the way you always made tacos on Tuesday's. He told you that he was Cuban not Mexican, but you always tell him Taco Tuesday is important. He loves the way you watch the television. It's interesting to him. You always yell at the t.v. when someone is doing something stupid. He loves it when you try to impersonate him when he's speaking Spanish. It's cute to him. Especially when you try to say the big words. He loves it when you come to his office with fresh coffee. Especially when you bring him a little snack too. He loves it when you sing in the shower. All the songs he is trying to learn. He only knows Broadway songs and a bit of George Michael. He loved the way you sang. It was cute. He loves when you danced around to your dance exercise videos. Sometimes he joins you and sometimes he makes fun of you. But most of all he loves the way you call him Papi when he's taking you from behind. 

Auston Matthews: He loves the way you don't obsess over hockey. You support him, but you're not obsessed. He loves the way you bring everyone together for a family meal, even if it's just you and the boys. You consider the boys as family. He loves the way you don't get mad when he's gone for a a week or longer in the season. He loves when you face time after games and congratulate him even if he didn't win. He loves when he's home that you put up a welcome home banner and have his favourite meal ready. When you dance around the house like no one's watching. When you clean the house and always make your room look like a hotel. He likes when you get him special treats from the dollar store or the grocery store when you go shopping. He loves double stuffed Oreo's. The house is always filled with two packs because you know how much he loves them. He loves it when you got out on little dates with him like ice skating or roller skating. He's always faster than you in the skating department but you don't care. It's fun doing things with him. He loves it when you can impersonate Forrest Gump. He thinks it's absolutely hilarious and adorable. He loves it when you buy him his favourite cereal. He loves Corn Pops. But most of all he loves it when you wear nothing but his hockey jersey on days he's gone. 

Alex Hogh Andersen: He loves the way you look in the moonlight. Your eyes sparkle like sapphires. He loves when he comes home from filming you pick him up the airport with your dog. He loves when you go on walks around town. It's always nice when he comes home. He loves when you can recite every David Bowie song word for word. You can do it with Friends too. He loves when you tell him about hockey and baseball. He doesn't know much about either of them, but always loves listening to you banter on. He thinks it's cute when you get mad when the other team scores. You always curse at them. It's funny to him. He loves how you feed your dog treats even when he's had enough. He knows how much you care for that dog and he loves that about you. He loves when you watch the same episodes of Friends. He hasn't watched the show before, but once he met you he watched all ten seasons. He loves how you sing in the shower even if he's in there. You listen to a variety of music that he's never even heard of but he likes it. You used to watch his show, but now since you have him for real you don't need to. He thinks it's funny. He loves it when you dance around to Young Americans in you underwear. He only remembers that song from Bowie so he says it's his favourite. He also thinks it's funny when you try to mock his accent. You come pretty close to getting it right but not perfect. But most of all he loves the way you support his acting career. 

Grayson Dolan: He loves the way you watch his videos as if you don't know he is. He also loves how you like to participate in the daily videos. You have your own YouTube channel about random things, but he likes to join so you can get some extra subscribers. He always comments on your videos. He loves when you go on adventures with him and Ethan. You never know where you're going until you get there but it's always fun. He loves when you take him on secret dates. They're always to new places. He loves when you hold his hand while walking in the mall or when you have your hand on is leg while he's driving. He loves it when you boop his nose with ice cream when you two go to Dairy Queen. You like watching YouTube videos to get inspiration for your channel, and he loves how creative it makes you. When you make dinner for him and his brother and it actually tastes good unlike when Ethan makes it. You always clean up after them and he appreciates it but you tell him you gotta make yourself useful. He loves how you make brownies. Boy they taste good. He loves it when you watch sports with them. They like when you watch since you're the only girl who knows what's going on. But most of all he loves how you treat him like he's a normal guy and not just some famous YouTuber.

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