Sonny Carisi/Rafael Barba

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You Find Out You're Pregnant:

You were busy throwing up this morning. Something which you did after every meal. This was before you even had something to eat. You were concerned. You felt weak. Something that you also felt often. You heard a knock on the door. 

"Carino I need to shower. Can I come in?" Papa asked

"Yeah the door's unlocked." You said as you tried getting up. 

He came in and saw you hugging the toilet. He laughed to himself before starting the water. Nothing was funny to you. 

"What's the matter? You eat something rotten?" He laughed. 

"No Papa. I woke up and something didn't feel right. So eh." You stuck your tongue out at him. 

"I'm just teasing love. What's up?" 

"My stomach is just bothering me. It has been lately." You responded with as he helped you up. 

"Okay love, but you need to get ready for school now. I'm gonna take you when I'm done." He said as he stepped into the shower. 

"Papa I'm not going! I get nothing but bullied there!" 

He shushed you. Your father was asleep in their room. He wasn't feeling so well. 

"You're going. You haven't gone in two days." 

"I did go. You're not there to prove anything." 

"You're going end of discussion. Now go give Daddy his coffee." 

You rolled your eyes as you exited the now steamy bathroom. You hadn't gone to school. He dropped you off and you left as soon as he did. You weren't able to deal with the bullies. The school has "done all they can". That's what they claim. Now it was your turn to deal with it. You couldn't. You were the talk of the town in that school. You'd hide in the bathroom and hear the gossip. It was awful. Your old friends never spoke to you anymore, so you had no one to defend you. No one but yourself. It was hard. 

You grabbed Dad's coffee and brought it to his room. You knocked lightly, but loud enough so he could hear you. Papa scared you when he came up behind you. 

"Just go in. He's still sleeping." He said. 

You went in. You were confused as to why you were bringing him a coffee then. You just did it. 

"Dad I brought you your coffee." You said. 

He groaned as he rolled over. You were on the bed but he was facing the window. 

"Thanks baby. I'll drink this in a few. Dad doesn't feel so good." 

"I know. Is there anything I can do?" You asked as he pulled the blanket up. 

"Lay down with me baby." He said. 

"But Papa said I had to go to school." You said as you complied. 

Papa looked at the two of you. He just smiled. He was getting dressed. He was actually going somewhere today unlike you and Dad.

"Yeah but I need you, so just lay down." Dad said. 

Papa shook his head. He was tying his tie. You watched in awe. He did it so fast. 

"Papa needs his phone." 

You grabbed it for him. He came over and grabbed it from you. Not before kissing your head. 

"You take care of Dad. I'll be home around six. I'll bring dinner back." 

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