What Dating Rafael Barba Would Be Like

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- Endless coffee runs

- Calling you pet names in Spanish

- Calling him Papi

- Watching romantic movies

- Sneaking into his office for sex

- Kisses on your body

- Listening to Disney soundtracks 

- Watching The Little Mermaid (his choice not yours)

-Watching funny videos on YouTube after a hard day of work

- Holding hands everywhere

- Sneaking kisses 

- Kinky sex, very kinky sex

- His sass

- Squeezing that beautiful ass of his

- Teasing him on the couch

- Surprise roses

- Waking up to breakfast

- Wearing his law shirts from college (he still has them)

- Threesomes with Carisi

- Sharing fruit together (he loves strawberries)

- Playing video games together (mostly Wii bowling)

- Cuddles that never end

- Him kissing your neck while you watch a movie

- Singing broad way in the shower with him

- Always singing duets

- Him making dinner for you

- Midnight conversations

- Having little fights over stupid things

- Back massages 

- Giving him trouble for drinking too much

- Doing DIY projects with him, but he always messes it up

- Booping his nose

- Shower sex

- Wakes you up with a surprise (usually sex)

- Drunk sex

- Making cookies together

- Eating Oreo's 

- Licking whipped cream of his chest

- Wearing just his tie to tease him 

- Him giving you kisses every time he makes you smile 

- Playing with his hair while he holds you

- Leaving little purple bruises on his body

- Him leaving little purple bruises on your body

- Holding him close when he loses a case

- Always cuddling before bed

- Kissing his neck

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