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the time has come to speak of demons

i get shivers just thinking of the topic

and not for fear, but from excitement

the strange alluring power of the dark

so esoteric, claws you in, that is its job

to say they're not attractive is to let them rule you

so, one night i decided to face them

come forth, i stated as intention

and drank ayahuasca

the shaman thought that i was crazy

but i refused to view myself a pussy

waited by the fire

suddenly everyone was looking, pointing, laughing

eyes bulging out at me, the skinny flat girl

my back bends into hunchback and i stutter

out comes my russian accent, paranoia seeping in

just like in high school when you

smoked too much weed and got the greenies

"i'm going to lie down," i say

knowing what they're thinking

look at this loner, outsider

she does not fit in

and i see it in their eyes, ugh

fucking assholes, just be nice!

wrestling with the blanket

just cover me, i want to hide

awkward body contorts into position

i close my eyes, prepared to take the brutal beating

gigantic middle finger flies at me from nowhere

angry eyes, moving patterns of fury

they've arrived

shit! i try to push them off

i'm stronger, they have no power

remembering what's right, i try envisioning the light

and fail; shut the fuck up and listen!

they wail

i don't, i pray and call to God

where is he?

has he abandoned me?

gosh, it was all me, i asked for this

what the hell was i thinking? how long must this go on?

these visions are so fucking freaky

they're gloating, laughing, growing

gigantic dominant masculine figures

raging juggernauts with blood-shot eyes

popping veins on bulging muscles

jesus christ, so evil


God loves me, he will save me

but where is he? they are strong and mocking me

Résumé of a MysticWhere stories live. Discover now