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Author's Note: Y'all I'm in pre-finals week. So expect some  writing delays. Next week I will definitely update(Maybe a double  update). Also, I'm thinking of using song titles for the chapter titles.  I'm testing it out. I wrote this listening to you by Marina. But  anyways, enjoy loves! xxx M

"I look okay, right?"

Ali stopped making her sandwich and looked at me.

"Hard Rock Cafe?" She asked me, pointing out to my t-shirt. "You're really going to wear that to dinner? With him?"

I crossed my arms at her, being offended.

"It's dinner" I said to her. "What else would I wear? It's not like I'm going on a date or something"

Ali continued to spread chocolate on her sandwich.

"I would" Ali commented. "Would show him what's he's missing"

I rolled my eyes at her. I looked at the clock on the wall.

Five minutes. Harry would be here in five minutes.

I  left my phone on the kitchen counter, going to the bathroom to make  sure Ali wasn't lying to my face. I looked at myself in the bathroom's  long mirror.

I  looked fine. I didn't know why Ali wanted me to look more than fine. I  had nothing to prove to Harry. I didn't feel like I had to dress for  him. I didn't feel like I had to show him what he's missing. Sure, I may  have changed a lot in a year but that doesn't mean I have to show off.  Honestly, I didn't know what I could even show off. I was single. I  didn't go out that much because of work. I rarely had any real friends  in LA with all my friends being in New York. Plus, I don't want to go  over why I'm on anti-anxiety medication. I had nothing to show off.  Harry, on the other hand, does. He just finished tour so he probably has  so much to tell me. I didn't know if he was still with his girlfriend  that I met last year. Thinking of it now, I felt like I had to prove  something. I stepped closer to the mirror. I lifted my shirt a little  up, looking at my stomach.

I should change. I needed to change. It was better if-

I  heard the doorbell ring. I pulled down my shirt. I walked out of the  bathroom to see who it was but Ali beat me to it. By the time I arrived  to the door, Harry and her were pulling away from hugging each other. I  stood still, taking in how time has changed Harry. He was growing out  his hair again. His hair looked more wavy than curly now which somehow  made him look better than all the times I've seen him. I also suspected  him to grow another inch or so, which was probably impossible at his  age. Maybe it was it black trousers that made him look slimmer and  taller. I felt the need to impress him now.

Harry noticed me standing behind Ali. A smirk grew on his lips at the sight of me. I smiled, letting out a small sigh.

"You don't have blonde hair anymore" Harry pointed out.

I chuckled, finding it funny that would be the first thing he said to me.

"And you're growing out your hair again" I told him. "Kinda like it"

Harry  chuckled, walking over to me. Instead of Harry always being the first  one to hug me, I was the one this time. I wrapped my arms around him  without any warning.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch and stopped talking to you" I said to Harry in our hug. "I didn't mean to"

I  felt Harry's arms around my back. He tightened his hold on me, making  our embrace deeper. I felt Harry nuzzle his face into my neck.

"I know" Harry whispered into my ear. "I know you never mean to hurt me"

Harry tightened his grip on me again before letting me go. I pulled away, looking at him.

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