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Author's Note: IT'S A DOUBLE UPDATE. I got the title from Ariana's song. Anyways, I hope you enjoy loves! Love, M.

May 28, 2019. LA.


I was correct. We are drifting apart. The reason now: distance. Harry was in Italy and I was in LA. We became busy with our careers again. Harry was busy being a spokesperson for Gucci where I was busy promoting my single.

"Were you worried about releasing your new song?" Holly asked me. "Your new song is much different from your usual sound. Did you feel like 'oh, I'm scared. I don't know if I want to do this?'"

I nodded, smiling at her.

"Of course" I said. "It's always scary when you are doing something different than what you are used to. As much as it was intimidating, I knew I wanted to put this record out. I never wanted to be one of those artists who stick to one genre only. I wanted to see if I can do more than write and sing sad songs"

"You certainly proved you can do that with Anything Can Happen" Holly commented. "I mean, you went number one on the charts. You must be relieved"

I blushed from Holly's words. I knew she probably said that since it was part of her job as an interviewer but it was nice to hear someone praising me again after years I released music. I deserved to embrace my compliments.

"Honestly, I'm just happy that people like it" I said. "Feels good to be back"

"It feels good to have you back" Holly said. "We are short on time, so I have one last question for you"

"Ask away" I said.

"Can we expect an album from you this year?" She asked. "It's been four years since your last album"

I looked down, smirking.

Of course, there was going to be an album. Why wouldn't there be an album out? I wouldn't promote my music if it wasn't leading up to something. In fact, I was releasing more than an album. I was going on tour too this year. Soon, actually - end of July. I had to release my album on June 22 first though. The only people who knew my plans were the record label and the heads of Ticketmaster. The rest had to wait to find out.

"I think you have to wait to find out" I said, looking back up to Holly. "It definitely not going to be another four years though"

"I'll take that as a maybe" Holly said. "It was nice to meet you and good luck on your music"

"Aw, thank you" I said. "It was nice meeting you too"

"CUT!" The director shouted, signaling the end of the interview.

Holly and I stood up from our seats.

"Thanks for having me" I told her.

"Aw, the pleasure is all mine" Holly said. "I really hope I get to hear more music from you this year"

I looked beside me to see an assistant help unhook the mic from my back. I looked to Holly.

"Eh, maybe sooner than later" I said. "It won't be that long of a wait. Nice meeting you again"

"Likewise" Holly said.

The mic was finally unhooked from me. I thanked the assistant before leaving to go to my dressing room. I walked into the room, interrupting the conversation going on between Camila, Rosé and Adrain. There was a bouquet of roses on the table. Those weren't there before.

"Adam?" I asked them, pointing to the flowers.

"Either him or Harry" Adrain said.

I rolled my eyes at his answer.

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