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Author's Note: I recommend listening to Lorde's song while listening to this. Also comment/message me if you would like me to continue this story- May

July 25, 2019.

"Out of all places" I said. "A London has to have a heatwave?"

"I don't know why you're complaining" Camila. "You're literally in ice"

I sat up in the bathtub. I was sitting in ice. I may have been somewhat freezing but at least I wasn't sweating.

"The point is. . ." I began to speak. "The last thing I need is there to be a heatwave during my concert. I don't need people fainting in the crowd"

"You mean you don't want to faint in front of the crowd?" Camila asked me.

"Both" I answered her. "I should tweet that out. Tell everyone who's coming to stay hydrated. Can you-"

Camila walked out of the bathroom. A moment later she came back with my phone in her hand. She handed it over to me.

"Thank you" I told her.

I unlocked my phone and opened Twitter. I typed my tweet and sent it. Replies flooded my twitter. I smiled.

"Sitting in ice? Is it really that hot?" I heard Harry ask.

I looked to the bathroom door. Harry was standing in the doorway. Camila was nowhere to be seen. I smiled at Harry.

"Have you been outside?" I asked him. "How are you wearing those pants and that hat?"

Harry frowned, looking at his pants.

"They're nice" Harry said, looking back to me. "Nice bathing suit"

"Hi" I told him.

"Hi" Harry said, stepping into the bathroom.

"Can you hold my phone?" I asked him.

I handed my phone over to Harry.

"Of course" Harry said.

I slowly stood up from the tub. I grabbed the towel that hanged off the shower rail. I began to dry myself.

"Cindy and Rande say hi" Harry said. "Kaia said she wants to go to Milan show"

"Aww, did she?" I said, stepping out of the bathtub and onto the bathroom rug. "You know, she has my number"

"Does she?" Harry asked, clueless.

"Well, Cindy does" I said.

Harry handed me my phone.

"I take it Canada was amazing" I said, walking out of the bathroom and into my hotel room.

Harry followed me.

"It was" Harry said. "Was in the lake about everyday. Golfing was nice too. You should come sometime"

And here we go again. Another edition of Harry trying to convince me to travel with him. Back in the day, I did some bit. But as our careers took off, it became nearly impossible. But that doesn't stop Harry from giving up.

"Sometime when I'm not busy which is . . ." I turned around to him. "Never because I'm always busy"

"Well, I'm busy too but I'm the one with the tan" Harry pointed out.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"As much as I would love to be on a boat and watch the sunset, you know I can't" I said to him. "You know, I have the tour until next year, right?"

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